DM9334N ,8-Bit Addressable LatchFeatureslevel low enable.YCommon clearThe DM9334 has four modes of operation which are shownYEasily ..
DM9338N ,8-Bit Multiple Port Registerapplications where theability to simultaneously read and write is desirable. A com-mon use would be ..
DM9368N , 7-Segment Decoder/Driver/Latch with Constant Current Source OutputsGeneral DescriptionThe DM9368 is a 7-segment decoder driver incorporatinginput latches and constant ..
DM9374N ,7-Segment Decoder/Driver/Latch with Constant Current Sink Outputs
DM9374N ,7-Segment Decoder/Driver/Latch with Constant Current Sink Outputs
DM9386N ,7 V, 4-bit quad exclusive-NOR with open-collector outputGeneral Description
The DM9386 consists of four independent Exclusive-NOR
gates with open-oolle ..
DS2726G+ ,5-Cell to 10-Cell Li+ Protector with Cell BalancingELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T = -20°C to +85°C.)APARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSI Prot ..
DS2731E+ ,Cache-Memory Battery-Backup Management ICApplications+Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package.T&R = Tape and reel.RAID Controller Car ..
DS2740B ,High-Precision Coulomb Counterapplications. Current is measured bidirectionally over a dynamic range of 15bits (DS2740U) or 13 bi ..
DS2740B ,High-Precision Coulomb CounterPIN DESCRIPTIONRangeOVD- 1-Wire Bus Speed Select 312A LSB and ±2.56A DynamicPIO - Programmable I/ ..
DS2740BU ,High-Precision Coulomb CounterPin Descriptions.(DS2740B) 6.25V LSB and ±51.2mV Dynamic
8-Bit Addressable Latch
June 1989
9334/DM9334 8-Bit Addressable Latch
General Description
The DM9334isa high speed 8-bit Addressable Latchde-
signedfor general purpose storage applicationsin digital
systems.Itisa multifunctional device capableofstoringsin-
gleline datain eight addressable latches,and beinga one-
of-eight decoder and demultiplexer with active level high
outputs. The device also incorporatesan active levellow
common clearfor resettingall latches,as wellasan active
levellow enable.
The DM9334hasfour modesof operation whichare shownthe mode selection table.Inthe addressable latch mode,
dataonthe dataline(D)is writtenintothe addressed latch.
The addressed latchwill followthe data input withall non-
addressed latches remainingin their previous states.Inthe
memory mode,all latches remain intheir previous stateand
are unaffectedbythe dataor address inputs.the one-of-eight decodingor demultiplexing mode,the
addressed outputwill followthe stateoftheD input withall
other inputsinthelow state.Inthe clear modeall outputs
arelowand unaffectedbythe addressand data inputs.
When operatingthe deviceasan addressable latch, chang-
ing more thanonebitofthe address could imposea tran-
sient wrong address. Therefore,this should onlybe done
whileinthe memory mode.
The function tables summarizethe operation ofthe product.
Features Common clear Easily expandable Random (addressable) data entry Serialto parallel capability8bitsof storage/outputof eachbit available Active high demultiplexing/decoding capability Alternate Military/Aerospace device (9334)is available.
Contacta National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distrib-
utorfor specifications.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number 9334DMQB, 9334FMQB, DM9334Jor DM9334N
SeeNS PackageNumberJ16A, N16Eor W16A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.