DM74S472AJ ,45 ns, (512 x 8) 4096-bit TTL PROMBlock Diagram
M x M
DM74S472AN ,45 ns, (512 x 8) 4096-bit TTL PROMGeneral Description
This Schottky memory is organized in the popular 512
words by 8 bits config ..
DM74S472BN ,35 ns, (512 x 8) 4096-bit TTL PROMDM54S472/DM74S472
DM54/ 743472
(512 x 8) 4096-Bit TTL PROM
DM74S472J ,60 ns, (512 x 8) 4096-bit TTL PROMGeneral Description
This Schottky memory is organized in the popular 512
words by 8 bits config ..
DM74S472N ,60 ns, (512 x 8) 4096-bit TTL PROMFeatures
I Advanced titanium-tungsten (T i-W) fuses
I Schottky-clamped for high speed
Addres ..
DM74S474AN ,45 ns, (512 x 8) 4096-bit TTL PROMBlock Diagram
M x M
DS2505 ,16kb Add-Only MemoryFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT 16384 bits Electrically Programmable Read TSOC PACKAGE TO-92Only Memory ..
DS2505 ,16kb Add-Only Memoryblock diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationships between the major control and memory sections of ..
DS2505 ,16kb Add-Only Memory DS2505 16Kb Add-Only Memory
DS2505+ ,16Kb Add-Only Memoryblock diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationships between the major control and memory sections of ..
DS2505P ,16-kbit Add-Only Memoryblock diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationships between the major control and memory sections oft ..
DS2505P+ ,16Kb Add-Only MemoryFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT 16384 bits Electrically Programmable Read TSOC PACKAGE TO-92Only Memory ..
60 ns, (512 x 8) 4096-bit TTL PROM
[ National
I Semiconductor
DIVI54/ 748472
(512 It 8) 4096-Bit TTL PROM
General Description
This Schottky memory is organized in the popular 512
words by 8 bits configuration. A memory enable input is pro-
vided to control the output states. When the device is en-
abled, the outputs represent the contents of the selected
word. When disabled, the 8 outputs go to the "OFF" or high
impedance state.
PROMs are shipped from the factory with lows in all loca-
tions. A high may be programmed into any selected location
by following the programming instructions.
I: Advanced titanium-tungsten (T i-W) fuses
II Schottky-clamped for high speed
Address access down to-35 ns max
Enable aattyss-25 ns max
Enable rotrovery--25 ns max
I: PNP inputs for reduced input loading
I: All DC and AC parameters guaranteed over
" Low voltage TRl-SAFETM programming
I: TRI-STATE© outputs
Block Diagram
Ni men ARRAY
M M x M
80FFE8 a7 as 05 M 03
Pin Names
AO-M Addresses,
G Output Enable
GND Ground
t20-t27 Outputs
Vcc Power Supply
tll 00
Connection Diagrams
DuaMn-Llne Package
AO-" 1 20 -a
A1- 2 19 -A8
A2- 3 18 -h7
A3- 4 17 -Atl
M- 5 16 -A5
M- 6 15 --6
tlt- 7 14 -07
02- 8 13 -06
03- 9 12 --05
tmo-e 10 11 --tu
Top View
Order Number DM54/743472J, 472AJ, 472Bd
DM74S472N, 472AN, 472BN
See NS Package Number
Ordering Information
J20A or N20A
Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC)
Q :2 2 ' Q
l I l l l
3 2 1 2019
AS-l 18-A7
A4-5 17-A6
00-6 16-A5
tll-i? t5-t5
02-8 14-07
' 10 111213
I l l l I
'0 D V In to
O 2 O O CT
Order Number DM74S472V, 472AV, 472BV
See NS Package Number V20A
Commercial Temp Range (0°C to + 70°C)
Parameter/Order Number Max Access Tlme (ns)
DM74S472AN 45
DM74S472BN 35
DM74S472N 60
DM74S472AJ 45
DM74S472BJ 35
DM74S472J 60
DM74S472AV 45
DM74S472BV 35
DM74S472V 60
Military Temp Range(
--55''C to + 125°C)
Parameter/Order Number Max Access Tlme Ins)
DM54S472AJ 60
DM54S472BJ 50
DM54S472J 75
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note1)
Operating Conditions
If Mllltary/Aerospaee specified devices are required, Min Max Units
please contact the' National Semiconductor Sales Supply Voltage (Vcc)
Office/Dlstrlbutors for availability and speeiflteations. Military 4.50 5.50 V
Supply Voltage (Note 2) - 0.5V to + 7.0V Commercial 4.75 5.25 V
Input Voltage (Note 2) -1.2V to + 5.5V Amhifant Temperature (T A)
OutputVoItage(Note 2) -0.5V to +5.5v gmaw . I ‘55 l 17205 _'fi'
Storage Temperature -65''C to + 150°C 1Tf,,r,C
Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 seconds) 300°C Logical 0 Input Voltage 0 0.8 V
ESD to be determined Logical "I " Input Voltage 2.0 5.5 V
Note I: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the de-
vice may be permanently damaged. They do not mean that the device may
be operated at these va1ues.
Note 2: These limits do not apply during programming. For the programming
ratings, refer to the programming instructions.
DC Electrical Characteristics (Note1)
Symbol Parameter Conditions DM54S472 DM74S472 Units
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
lit. Input Load Current Vcc = Max, Ihr: = 0.45V -80 -250 --80 -250 HA
IIH Input Leakage Current Vcc = Max, VIN = 2.7V 25 25 p.A
Vcc = Max, VIN 2 5.5V 1.0 1.0 mA
VOL Low Level Output Voltage Vcc = Min, kx = 16 mA 0.35 0.50 0.35 0.45 V
" Low Level Input Voltage 0.80 0.80 V
VIH High Level Input Voltage 2.0 2.0 V
Vc Input Clamp Voltage Vcc = Min, IN = -18 mA -0.8 --1.2 -0.8 -1.2 V
C. tnputCapacitance Vcc = 5.0V, " = 2.0V f
TA = 25''C,1 MHz 4.0 4.0 pF
Co Output Capacitance Vcc = 5.0V, Vo = 2.0V 6.0 6.0 pF
TA = 25'C, 1 MHz, Outputs Off
lcc PowerSupply Current Vcc = Max, Input Grounded 110 155 110 155 mA
All Outputs Open
los Short Circuit vo = 0V, Vcc = Max - _ - _
Output Current (Note 2) 20 70 20 70 mA
log Output Leakage VCC = Max, V0 = 0.45V to 2.4V +50 + 50 p.A
(TRI-STATE) Chip Disabled - 50 _ 50 WA
VOH Output Voltage High IOH = -2.0 mA 2.4 3.2 V
IOH = - 6.5 mA 2.4 3.2 V
Note 1: These limits apply over the entire operating range unless stated otherwise. All typical values are tor VCC = 5.0V and TA = 25''C.
Note 2: During los measurement. only one output at a time should be grounded. Permanent damage may otherwise result.
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
DM74S472BV - product/dm74s472bv?HQS=T|-null-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf-null-wwe
DM74S472AJ - productldm74s472aj?HQS=T|—nul|-null-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
DM54S472J - product/dm54s472j?HQS=Tl-nu|I-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
DM54S472BJ - product/dm54s472bj?HQS=T|—nuII-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
DM54S472AJ - product/dm54s472aj?HQS=TI-null-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe
DM74S472BN - product/dm74s472bn?HQS=T|-nu|I-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
DM74S472J - product/dm74s472j?HQS=T|—nu|I-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
DM74S472BJ - product/dm74s472bj?HQS=T|—nuII-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
DM74S472AN - product/dm74s472an?HQS=T|-nu|l-nu|l-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
DM74S472N - product/dm74s472n?HQS=T|-nuII-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf-nuIl-wwe
DM74S472V - product/dm74s472v?HQS=T|-nu|I-nuIl-dscatalog-df-pf-nulI-wwe
DM74S472AV - product/dm74s472av?HQS=T|—null-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe