DM74S182N ,Look-Ahead Carry GeneratorGeneral Description
These circuits are high-speed, look-ahead carry generators,
capable of anti ..
DM74S188AN ,25 ns, (32 x 8) 256-bit TTL PROMElectrical Characteristics (Note 3)
Symbol Parameter Condltlons DMMS‘“ DM74S188 Units
IIL Input L ..
DM74S188N ,35 ns, (32 x 8) 256-bit TTL PROMBlock Diagram
32 x 8
aumn il?
Pln Names
m OutputEnab ..
DM74S189J ,4.75 V to 5.25 V, 64-bit (16 x 4) TRI-STATE RAMapplications (S189A)
Access from chip-enable input 17 ns max
Access from address inputs 25 ns max ..
DM74S189N ,4.75 V to 5.25 V, 64-bit (16 x 4) TRI-STATE RAMFeatures
I Schottky-clamped for high speed
DM74S194N ,7 V, 4-bit bidirectional universal shift registerfeatures a system designer may want
in a shift register; they feature parallel inputs, parallel ou ..
DS2482S-100 ,Single-Channel 1-Wire MasterFEATURES The DS2482-100 is an I²C to 1-Wire bridge device I²C Host Interface, Supports 100kHz ..
DS2482S-100+ ,Single-Channel 1-Wire Masterfeatures with an output to control an external 8-Pin, 150-mil SO Package MOSFET for enhanced str ..
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DS2490 ,USB to 1-Wire Bridge Chipblock diagram of the DS2490 is shown in Figure 1. 1-Wire and iButton are registered trademarks of M ..
DS2490S+ ,USB to 1-Wire Bridge Chipblock diagram of the DS2490 is shown in Figure 1. 1-Wire and iButton are registered trademarks of M ..
7 V, look-ahead carry generator
National .
I Semiconductor
DM54S182/DM74S182 Look-Ahead Carry Generators
General Description
These circuits are high-speed. look-ahead carry generators,
capable of anticipating a carry across four binary adders or
groups of adders. They are cascadable to perform full look-
ahead across n-bit adders. Carry, generate-Carry, and prop-
agate-carry functions are provided as shown in the pin des-
ignation table.
When used in conjunction with the 181 arithmetic logic unit,
these generators provide high-speed carry look-ahead ca-
pability for any word length. Each St 82 generates the look-
ahead (anticipated cany) across a group of four ALU's and,
in addition, other carry Iook-ahead circuits may be employed
to anticipate carry across sections of four Iook-ahead pack-
ages up to n-bits. The method of cascading circuits to per-
form multi-level look-ahead is illustrated under typical appli-
cation data.
Carry input and output of the ALU's are in their true form,
and the carry propagate (P) and carry generate (G) are in
negated form; therefore. the carry functions (inputs, outputs,
generate, and propagate) of the look-ahead generators are
implemented in the compatibie forms for direct connection
to the ALU. Reinterpretations of carry functions, as ex-
plained on the 181 data sheet are also applicable to and
compatible with the look-ahead generator. Positive logic
equations tor the S182 are:
6:630?! +%t)fpts+Pi? +G1)
(133+ P2 +P1+G0)
a Typical propagation delay time 7 ns
a Typical power dissipation 260 mW
Connection Diagram
DuaI-In-Llne Package
F- -T '" 1
Vcc P2 G2 Cn cn+x cn+y G Cn+z
I16 bs I14 " " " I10 "
'1 I2 Is la Is " lr [a
(31 P1 tto PO 63 " P GND
Order Number DM54S182J or DM74S182N
See NS Package Number J16A or N16E
Pin Designations
Deslgnatlon Pln Nos. Functlon
Go, G1, G2, ea 3, 1, 14, 5 Active Low
Carry Generate Inputs
Active Low
PO, Pl, P2, P3 4, 2, 15, 6 Carry Propagate Inputs
Ch 13 Carry Input
Cn + x, c" + y, 12, It,9 Carry Outputs
G, + 1
G 10 Active Low
Carry Generate Output
P 7 Active Low
Carry Propagate Output
Vcc 16 Supply Voltage
GND 8 Ground
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note)
If Military/Aerospace speclfled devices are required,
please contact the National Semlconductor Sales
t2ffitte/Dlttttlttutors for avallablllty and speclllcatlons.
Supply Voltage
Input Voltage
Operating Free Air Temperature Range
Storage Temperature Flange
- 55°C to + 125°C
WC to + 70°C
-65t to +150°C
Recommended Operating Conditions
Note: The "Absolute Maximum Ratings" are those values
beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaran-
teed. The device should not be operated at these limits. The
parametric values defined in the "Electrical Characteristics"
table are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum ratings.
The "Recommended Operating Conditions" table will t%finty
the conditions for actual device operation.
Symbol Parameter DM54S182 DM74S182 Units
Mln Nom Max Mln Nom Max
Vcc Supply Voltage 4.5 5 5.5 4.75 5 5.25 V
VIH High Level Input Voltage 2 2 V
VIL Low Level Input Voltage 0.8 0.8 V
lore High Level Output Current --1 - 1 mA
IOL Low Level Output Current 20 20 mA
TA Free Air Operating Temperature - 55 125 0 70 "C
Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating free air temperature (unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Parameter Condltlons Min (Note 1) Max Units
VI Inputtyamp Voltage Vcc r..= Min, II = -18 mA --1.2 V
VOH High Level Output Vcc = Min, IOH = Max DM54 2.5 3.4 V
Voltage " = Max,VlH T''-- Min DM74 2.7 3.4
VOL Low Level Output Vcc = Min, IOL = Max 0 5 V
Voltage VIH = Min,V“_ ".r.T Max .
l. InputCurrent @ Max Vcc = Max, V. = 5.5V 1 m A
Input Voltage
I.” High Level Input Vcc = Max po, P1 or G3 200
Current lh = 2.7V P3 100
P2 150 p A
G0. G2 350
G1 400
lit. Low Level Input VCC = Max PO, P1 or Ga -8
Current V. = 0.5V P3 - 4
P2 - 6 m A
GO. G2 -14
G1 - 16
Itos Short Circuit vcc = Max DM54 -40 -100 mA
Output Current (Note 2) DM74 - 40 - 100
ICCH Supply Current with Vcc = Max DM54 39 55 m A
Outputs High (Note 3) DM74 39 55
ICCL Supply Currents with Vcc = Max DM54 69 99 m A
Outputs Low (Note 4) DM74 69 109
Note 1: All typicals are at Voc = 5V. TA = 25'C,
Note 2t Not more than one output should be shorted at a time, and the duration should not exceed one second.
Nate 3: ICCH is measured with all outputs open, inputs P3 and G3 at 4.5V, and all other irputs grounded.
Note 4: Icon. is measured with all outputs open, inputs GO, GI, and G2 at 4,5V, and all other inputs grounded.
Switching Characteristics atVcc = 5V and TA = 25°C (See Section 1 for TestWmmforrntt and Output Load)
From (Input) Rt. = 280ft
Symbol Parameter To (Output) th. = 15 pF th. = 60 pF Unlte
Min Max Mln Mln
tpLH Propagation Delay Time GN or PN 7 10 ns
Low to High Level Output to On + x, y, z
tPHL Propagation Delay Time GN or PN 7 1 1 ns
High to Low Level Output to Cn + m. z
tpLH Propagation Delay Time GN or PN 7 5 1 1 ns
Low to High Level Output to G .
tPHL Propagation Delay Time GN or PN 10 5 14 ns
High to Low Level Output to G .
tPLH Propagation Delay Time PN
Low to High Level Output to P 6.5 10 ns
tpHL Propagation Delay Time PN 10 1 4 ns
High to Low Level Output to P
tPLH Propagation Delay Time Cn to " 1 3 ns
Low to High Level Output to G, + x, y, I
tpHL Propagation Delay Time Cn to 10 5 14 ns
High to Low Level Output to Cn + XL! .
Logic Diagram
(10) G
(9) Cn+a
P2 (ttO
ttl) cn+y
P0 (4) (12) cn+x
Go (3)
c vcc - PIN 16
n (13) GND = PIN8
Typical Application
64-Blt ALU, Full-Carry Look Ahead In Three Levels
-1 th, 0,. cu -cr, Ca Ca -th, -ue,, Cu _
G P G F G P G P tt P G P G P G P G P
can c“, 01 Pt CM." 02 " (1+: G3 " GO PO c..+. m Pt ta+r G2 " cn+x m " come...”
On 5182 c" Sta: Ctt 5132 {
GOPoCi+. Gt Pt c..+,
Crt sma (
A and B inputs. and F outputs of 181 are not shown.
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
DM74S182N - product/dm74s182n?HQS=T|-null-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf-null-wwe
DM54S182J - product/dm54s182]?HQS=T|-nulI-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe