DM74LS962N ,Dual Rank 8-Bit TRI-STATE Shift RegisterFeaturesYRegisters are edge-triggered by the positive transitionThesecircuitsareTRI-STATE,edge-trig ..
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Dual Rank 8-Bit TRI-STATE Shift Register
August 1991
DM74LS962 (DM86LS62)
Dual Rank 8-Bit TRI-STATEÉ Shift Register
General Description
Thesecircuitsare TRI-STATE, edge-triggered, 8-bitI/Oreg-
istersin parallel with 8-bit serial shift registers whichare
capableof operatinginanyofthe following modes: parallel
load fromI/O pinsto register ‘‘A’’, parallel transfer down
from register‘‘A’’to serialshiftregister ‘‘B’’, parallel transfer fromshift register‘‘B’’to register ‘‘A’’, serial shiftof regis-
ter ‘‘B’’,or exchange data between register ‘‘A’’and shift
register ‘‘B’’. Sincethe registersare edge-triggeredbythe
positive transitionofthe clock,the control lines which deter-
minethe modeor operationare completely independentof
the logic level appliedtothe clock. Designedfor bus-orient- systems, these circuits have their TRI-STATE inputsand
outputsonthe same pins.
Features Registersare edge-triggeredbythe positive transitionthe clockAll inputsare PNP transistors Input disable dominates over output disable Output high impedance state doesnot impedeany oth- modeof operation 8-bitI/O pinsare TRI-STATE buffers Typical shift frequencyis36 MHz Typical power dissipationis305 mWAll control inputsare active wheninan‘‘L’’ logic state Devicescanbe cascadedinto N-bit word
Connection Diagram
Top View
Order Number DM74LS962Nor DM86LS62N
See NSPackage Number N18A
Pin Description
DISOÐOutput disable
ISÐSerial input
DISIÐInput disable
DISTUÐTransferup disable
DISTDÐTransfer down disable
DISSÐShift disable
OSÐSerial output
I/O1...I/O 8Ð8-bitI/O pins
VCCÐSupply Voltage
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.