DM74LS952N ,7 V, dual rank 8-bit TRI-STATE shift registerFeatures
I Registers are edge-triggered by the positive transition
of the clock
I All inputs ..
DM74LS962N ,Dual Rank 8-Bit TRI-STATE Shift RegisterFeaturesYRegisters are edge-triggered by the positive transitionThesecircuitsareTRI-STATE,edge-trig ..
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DM74S04M ,Hex Inverting GatesGeneral DescriptionThis device contains six independent gates each of whichperforms the logic INVER ..
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7 V, dual rank 8-bit TRI-STATE shift register
1 Semiconductor
Dual Rank 8-Bit TRl-STATE® Shift Registers
General Description
These circuits are TRI-STATE, edge-triggered, 8-bit " reg-
isters in parallel with B-bit serial shift registers which are
capable of operating in any of the following modes: parallel
load from IIO pins to register "A", parallel transfer down
from register "A" to serial shift register "B", parallel transfer
up from shift register "B" to register "A", serial shift of regis-
ter "B", synchronously clear. Since the registers are edge-
triggered by the positive transition of the clock, the control
lines which determine the mode or operation are completely
independent of the logic level applied to the clock. De-
signed tor bus-oriented systems, these circuits have their
TRI-STATE inputs and outputs on the same pins.
a Registers are edge-triggered by the positive transition
of the clock
I: All inputs are PNP transistors
:1 Input disable dominates over output disable
a Output high impedance state does not impede any oth..
er mode of operation
a 8-bit I/O pins are TRl-STATE buffers
II Typical shift frequency is 36 MHz
" Typical power dissipation is 305 mW
D All control inputs are active when in an "L'' logic state
I: Devices can be cascaded into N-bit word
Connection Diagram
DuaMrt-Lirte Package
Vcc 1/01 1/02 1/03 1/04 vos I/06 1/07 1/08
Pln Descriptlon
" " " " " " 12 11 " DlSo-Output disable
ls-Serial input
DlSr--lnput disable
I DSW-Transfer up disable
--1 1/0 BUFFERS 'r- DISrtr-Transftsr down disable
0 DISs-Shift disable
CONTROL Os-Serial output
LOGIC ---l UPPER REG "A CLK-ttlock
-H LOWER SHIFT REG "B" I/O 1 ... I/O 8-8-bit IIO pins
" I Vcc-Supply Voltage
___._I I
1 2 3 4 5 a r 8 I'
Disc Is DIS] NSTU 01510 DlSs os CLK GND
Top View
Order Number DM74LS952N
See NS Package Number N1BA
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note)
If MllitaryfAerospatte trpeelfled devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
Offlee/Dlstrlhutora for avallablllty and ttpet0ttatlurta.
Supply Voltage 7V
Input Voltage 7V
Operating Free Air Temperature Range
DM74LS C'C to + 7tr'C
Storage Temperature Range -65''C to + 150''C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) 300°C
Recommended Operating Conditions
Note: The "Absolute Maximum Ratings" are those values
beyond which the safety of (he device cannot be guaran-
teed. The de vice should not be operated at these limits. The
parametric values defined in the "Electrical Characteristics"
table are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum ratings.
The "Rettomrmmdttd Operating Conditions" table will define
the conditions far actual device operation.
Symbol Parameter DM74LS952 Units
Min Typ Max
Vcc Supply Voltage 4.75 5 5.25 V
VIH High-Level Input Voltage 2 V
" Low-Level Input Voltage 0.8 V
IOH High-Level Output Current _ 5.2 mA
IOL Low-Level Output Current 16 mA
fCLOCK Clock Frequency (Note 5) 0 25 MHz
Clock Pulse High Pulse Width (Note 5) 25 17 ns
Low Pulse Width (Note 5) 15 7 ns
tSET.Up Data Set-Up Time (Note 5) 10 ns
tHOLD Data Hold Time (Note 5) 0 ns
TA Free Air Operating Temperature 70 "C
Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating free air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Parameter Condlllons (1) DMNLS952 Unlls
Mln Typ (2) Max
V. Input Clamp Voltage VCC = Min, ll = -18 mA - 1.5 V
VOH High-Level OutputVoltage Vcc = Min, VIH = 2V, IOH = -5.2 mA
VOL Low-Level OutputVoltage Vcc = Min, 1/iH = iN, IOL = 8 mA 0.25 0.4 V
WL=VKM” bL=16mA 0.35 as
I. Input Current at Maximum Vcc = Max, VI = 5.5V
0.1 mA
Input Voltage
IIH High-Level Input Current Vcc = Max, V. = 2.7V 20 MA
||L Low-Level InputCurrent Vcc = Max, VI = 0.4V --50 pA
los Short-Circuit Output Current Voc = Max (3) -20 - 100 mA
ICC Supply Current V00 = Max (4) 61 99 mA
lop; TRI-STATE l/O Current Vcc = Max, VIH = 2V vo = 2.4V 20 p.A
V0 = 0.4V -20 0A
Note 1: For conditions shown as min or max, use me appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions.
Note 2: All typical values are at VCC = 5V. TA = 25°C.
Note 3: Not more than one output should be shorted at a time, and the duration of the short circuit should not exceed one second.
Note 4: Ice is measured with serial output open. the clock and shift disable input at 2.4V. Ali other control inputs and MO pins grounded.
Note tit TA = 25°C and Vcc = 5V.
Switching Characteristics at Vcc = 5V and TA = 25°C (See Section 1 forTestWaveforms and Output Load)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Units
fMAx Maximum Clock Frequency 25 MHz
tpLH Propagation Delay Time, Low-to-High-Level 7 33 ns
from Clock to Any Outputs
tpHL Propagation Delay Time, High-to-Low Level 1 0 48 ns
from Clock to Any Output tk = 15 pF, RL = 1 kn.
tENABLE Enable Time trom Any Control Inputs 5 24 ns
IDISABLE Disable Time from Any Control Inputs 6 27 ns
tPZH Output Enable Time to High Level 5 23 ns
thL Output Enable to Low Level 4 18 ns
tsz Output Disable Time from High Level CL = 5 pF, RL = 1 k n 5 23 ns
tPLZ Output Disable Time from Low Level 6 27 ns
Logic Diagram
I/O 1 vo 2
Function Table
Table I
fl-Blt HQ
0150 ms. ms“, msm mss CLK Pm
Content 0! Upper Reg. "A"
Content of Lower Serlal Shift Reg. "B"
Stable state
Entering data from |/0 to reg. "A"
Transfer data up from reg. “B" to reg. “A"
Reg. “A" will OR data trom |/O to reg. ”B"
Transfer data down from reg. “A” to reg. “B"
Entering data and transfer down
(1) Synchronously clear both registers to
(2) togic "L” level
(3) Enter data to reg. “A" clear reg. “B"
Serial shifting in the lower reg. “B"
Entering data and serial shifting
xxx xxx xxx xxx 1:01: 1:131:
Ayt4- F-F-4- t-4-e- 4-4-4- 6-6-4- 6-4-e.
III III xxx xxx .14.: .14.:
xxx III 4.1.: ..d-l-l III III
xx-g CET-l 11.: II-I 11.: 11.:
Transfer up and serial shifting
DOR function and serial shifting
T-IM 1.1x 1.1x 14x x_xx x_ux "
Don’t Care
HPZ/Omnut/Inam/ E High impedance stateloutput state/input state
at . . . a8/b1 . . . b8 5 “19 content of the upper register “A"lthe lower serial shift register “8“ before the most recent T transition ot the clock
I. . .. I9 2 The level of steady state inputs at the I/O pins
DOR 5 ”Data ORing function" ORing data from both l/O pins and register “B", La. I1 + b1, 12 + b2. l3 + be . . . '5 + b8
(12 Datacfthesetialinpm
Timing Diagram
BEFORE I/O , o . . I/O tt
PULSE tt o: 01 01 01
0 0 o O
Ot , 01 O1
01 0 '" Ot
AC Test Circuit and Switching Time Waveforms
M diodes are 1N916 or 1N3064.
CL includes probe and jig capacitance.
cm 1.3V
ov y, A
'd.'llifli"fe- - 'ENABLE - tmsattcE
tSt 3v
ms“, & ms; 1.3V
tSET-UP +I _ - ‘de
31t - _
l/OL ls 1.3V /V
- 'HOLD * - trtc
o,5v o.5v VOH - _L. / Von
vo i 1 I '/oa0s 1.3v------ 1
VOL ----'-F 'ci-, D.SY o.sv VOL o-.--,
DlSo Lav
tLa - - s---ta - tHg _ le <-
All input pulses are supplied by generators having k s 15 ns, t, s 6 ns, PRR s 1 MHz, ZOUT Ar. 50n.
Cascading Packages
Cascading Packages tor N-Bit Word
l/O1 - . . l/OB I/O1 I . c I/OB . o . Nl/OHNS
Is Os ts Os
0510 -
DISs -
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