DM74LS90N ,Decade and Binary CountersFeaturesEach of these monolithic counters contains four master- Typical power dissipation 45 mWsla ..
DM74LS93N ,Decade and Binary CountersFeaturesYTypical power dissipation 45 mWTo use their maximum count length (decade or four bit bina- ..
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I Registers are edge-triggered by the positive transition
of the clock
I All inputs ..
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DS2432 ,1kb Protected 1-Wire EEPROM with SHA-1 Engineblock diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationships between the major control and memory sections of ..
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Decade and Binary Counters
June 1989
Decade and Binary Counters
General Description
Eachof these monolithic counters contains four master-
slave flip-flopsand additional gatingto providea divide-by-
two counteranda three-stage binary counterfor whichthe
count cycle lengthis divide-by-fiveforthe ’LS90and divide-
by-eightforthe ’LS93.
Allof these counters havea gated zero resetandthe LS90
alsohas gatedset-to-nineinputsforusein BCD nine’s com-
plement applications.use their maximum count length (decadeorfourbit bina-
ry),theB inputis connectedtotheQA output. The input
count pulsesare appliedto inputAandthe outputsareas
describedinthe appropriate truth table.A symmetricaldi-
vide-by-ten countcanbe obtained fromthe ’LS90 counters connectingtheQD outputtotheA inputand applyingthe
inputcount totheB input which givesa divide-by-ten square
waveat outputQA.
Features Typical power dissipation45 mW Count frequency42 MHz
Connection Diagrams (Dual-In-LinePackages)
OrderNumberDM74LS90Mor DM74LS90N
SeeNS Package Number M14AorN14A
Order Number DM74LS93MorDM74LS93N
SeeNS PackageNumberM14Aor N14A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.