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DM74LS86M ,Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR GateGeneral DescriptionThis device contains four independent gates each of whichperforms the logic excl ..
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Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gate
June 1989
Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gates
General Description
This device contains four independent gates eachof which
performsthe logic exclusive-OR function.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number DM54LS86J, DM54LS86W, DM74LS86Mor DM74LS86N
SeeNS Package Number J14A,M14A, N14Aor W14B
Function TableeAZBeABaAB
Inputs Output Y L H H LeHigh Logic LeveleLow Logic Level
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.