DM74LS451N ,7 V, dual 8:1 multiplexerFeatures/Benefits
The Dual 8:1 Mux selects one of eight inputs, D0 through I 24-pin SKINNYD'P sa ..
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32 x M
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I Advanced titanium-tungsten (T i-W) fuses
I Schottky-clamped for high speed
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7 V, dual 8:1 multiplexer
DM54LS451/DM74LS451 Dual 8:1 Multiplexer
General Description
The Dual 8:1 Mux selects one of eight inputs, D0 through
D7, specified by three binary select inputs, A, B, and C. The
true data is output on Y when strobed by S. Propagation
delays are the same for inputs, addresses and Strobes and
are specified for 50 pF loading. Outputs conform to the
standard 8 mA LS totem pole drive standard.
" 24-pin SKINNYDIP saves space
I: Twice the density of 74LS151
a Low current PNP inputs reduce loading
Connection Diagram
Top View
" 201 206 205 20‘ 203
16 " " 13
A E tl S
101 102 103 IM 105 106 Ill? 200 201202
1 t 3 I 5
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 to? 200 201 202 GN’D
Order Number DM54LS451J, DM74LS451J,
DM74LS451N or DM74LS451V
See NS Package Number J24F, N246 or V28A
Function Table
Standard Test Load
" -i,)''',
" 207 205 205 IN h tit
ttit T -
- - TL/L/8337-2
7 a ' IO 11 i,,
Inputs Outputs
Select Strobe Y
L L L L D0
L L H L D1
L H L L D2
L H H L D3
H L L L D4
H L H L D5
H H L L D6
H H H L D7
Absolute Maximum Ratings
" MllltarylAerospace spettlmsd devlces are required, Off-State Output Voltage 5.5V
please contact the National Sernlttonduetttr Sales Storage Temperature _ 65°C to + 150°C
Omtte/Dltttrlbutttrtt for availability and spettlflttatlons.
Supply Voltage VCC 7V
Input Voltage 5.5V
Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Mllltary Commercial Units
Mln Nom Max Mln Nom Max
Vcc Supply Voltage 4.5 5 5.5 4.75 5 5.25 V
TA Operating Free-Air Temperature - 55 125* 0 75 ''C
'Case Temperature
Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ? Max Units
" Low-Level Input Voltage 0.8 V
" High-Level Input Voltage 2 V
VIC Input Clamp Voltage VCC -- MIN I. = - 18 mA - 1.5 V
IIL Low-Level Input Current VCC = MAX V. = 0.4V - 0.25 mA
IIH High-Level Input Current Vcc = MAX V. = 2.4V 25 p.A
II Maximum Input Current Vcc = MAX VI = 5.5V 1 mA
Vcc = MIN
VOL Low-Level Output Voltage " = 0.8V kn. = 8 m A 0.5 V
VIH = 2V
Vcc--MIN MIL lOH--2mA
VOH High-Level Output Voltage Ihr.-- 0.8V COM km = _ 3.2 m A 2.4 V
VIH = 2V
log Output Short-Circuit Current' Vcc = 5.0V V0 = 0V - 30 - 130 mA
'00 Supply Current Vcc = MAX 60 100 mA
'No more than one output should be shorted at a time and duration of the short-circuit should not exceed one second.
t All typical values are Vcc-- 5V, TA-- 25°C.
Switching Characteristics Over Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter 2t 2,',fle,1'; Mllltary Commerclal Units
( e es oa ) Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
th--- 50 pF
tpD Any Input to Y R1 = 560.0 25 45 25 40 ns
R2 = 1 .1 n
Logic Diagram
--- Yet;
TL/L13337 -3
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
DM74LS451 N - product/dm74ls451n?HQS=TI-nu|I-nu|l-dscataIog-df-pf-null-wwe
DM74LS451J - product/dm74ls451j?HQS=T|-nulI-nuII-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
DM54LS451J - product/dm54ls451j?HQS=T|-nulI-nuII-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
DM74LS451V - product/dm74ls451v?HQS=T|—null-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe