DM74LS380N ,7 V, multifunction octal registerElectrical Characteristics Over Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Test Condilions Mln Typt I M ..
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DM74LS38M ,Quad 2-Input NAND Buffer with Open-Collector OutputsGeneral Description Pull-Up Resistor EquationsThis device contains four independent gates, each of ..
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7 V, multifunction octal register
gif Natiqnal
1 Semiconductor
Multifunction Octal Register
General Description
The 18380 is an 8-bit synchronous register with parallel
load, load complement, preset; clear, and hold capacity.
Four control inputs (W, POL, w, pm) provide one of four
operations which occur synchronously on the rising edge of
the clock (CK). The L3380 combines the features of the
LS374, LS377, LS273 and LS534 into a single 300 mil wide
The LOAD operation loads the inputs (Dr-Dol into the out-
put register (th-Oo), when POL is HIGH, or loads the com-
pliment of the inputs when POL is LOW. The CLEAR opera-
tion resets the output register to all LOWs. The PRESET
operation presets the output register to all HlGHs. The
HOLD operation holds the previous value regardless of
clock transitions. CLEAR overrides PRESET, PRESET over-
rides LOAD, and LOAD overrides HOLD.
The output register (07-00) is enabled when trE is LOW,
and disabled (HI-Z) when tri? is HIGH. The output drivers
will sink the 24 mA required for many bus interface stan-
n Octal Register for general purposes interfacing
a 8 bits match byte boundaries
II Bus-structured pinout
n M-pin SKINNYDIP saves space
I: TRl-STATEO outputs
n Low current PNP inputs reduce loading
Connection Diagram
Standard Test Load
Top View SI
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m TL/L/8339-1
Order Number DM54LS38thl,
DM74L3380J or DM74L8380N
See NS Package Number J24F or N240
Function Table
t5tT CLK tTCA pm ID POL 07-00 07-00 Operation
L t H H H X X 0 HOLD
L t H H L H D D LOADtrue
L t H H L L D D LOAD comp
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If MllltarylAerospace ttpetrified devloes are required, Off-State Output Voltage 5.5V
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Storage Temperature -67 to + 15060
Offlce/Dlstrlbutors for avallablllty and specifications.
Supply Voltage Vcc 7V
Input Voltage 5.5V
Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Military Commercial Unlts
Min Typ Max Mln Typ Max
Vcc Supply Voltage 4.5 5 5.5 4.75 5 5.25 V
TA Operating Free-Air Temperature - 55 125* 0 75 ''C
tw Width of Clock High 40 40 ns
Low 35 35
tSU Stst-Up Time 60 50 ns
tr, Hold Time 0 -15 0 -15
'Case temperature
Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Mln Typt Max Units
" Low-Level Input Voltage 0.8 V
VIH High-Level Input Voltage 2 V
VIC Input Clamp Voltage Vcc-- MIN I. = - 1 8 mA - 1.5 V
lit. Low-Level Input Current Vcc---- MAX VI = 0.4V -0.25 mA
IIH High-Level Input Current VCC = MAX V. = 2.4V 25 “A
II Maximum Input Current Vcc = MAX V. = 5.5V 1 mA
Vcc = MIN _
VOL Low-Level Output Voltage " = 0.8V MIL IOL 12 mA 0.5 V
n., = 2V COM IOL--- 24 mA
Vcc = MIN _ _
VOH High-Level Output Voltage " = 0.8V MI L KOH 2 mA 2.4 v
VIH = 2V COM IOH = - 3.2 mA
'OZL Vcc= MAX = -
Off-State Output Current " =r. 0.8V vo 0.4V 100 HA
IOZH VIN: 2V Vo-- 2.4V 100 “A
kos Output Short-Circuit Current" VCC= 5.0V Vo = 0V - 30 _ 130 mA
ICC Supply Current Vcc= MAX 120 180 mA
. No more than one output should be shorted at a time and duration of the short-circuit should not exceed one second
t All typical values are at Vcc = 5V. TA = 290
Switching Characteristics Over Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Tsest 'i',',,",'','.',',',',',',',' Military Commercial Units
( ee es 0a l Min Typ Max Mln Typ Max
fMAx Maximum Clock Frequency CL = 50 pF 10.5 12.5 MHz
tpD Clock to Q R1 = 2000 20 35 20 30 ns
tpzx Output Enable Delay R2 = 390ft 35 55 35 45 ns
tpxz Output Disable Delay 35 55 35 45 ns
Logic Diagram
Octal Register
TL/ L/8339- 4
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
DM74LS3800 - product/dm74|5380j?HQS=T|-null-nuII-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe
DM74LS380N - product/dm74ls380n?HQS=T|-nu|I-nu|I-dscataIog-df-pf-null-wwe
DM54LS3800 - product/dm54|3380j?HQS=T|-nulI-nuII-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe