DM74LS158M ,Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selectors/MultiplexersApplicationsAlternate Military/Aerospace device (54LS157,YExpand any data input point 54LS158) is a ..
DM74LS158MX , Quad 2-to-1 Line Data Selector/Multiplexer (Inverting)Features■ Buffered inputs and outputs■ Typical Propagation TimeDM74LS157 9 nsDM74LS158 7 ns■ Typica ..
DM74LS158N ,Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selectors/MultiplexersFeaturesYBuffered inputs and outputsThese data selectors/multiplexers contain inverters andYdrivers ..
DM74LS160AN ,Synchronous Presettable BCD Decade Counters54LS160A/DM74LS160A,54LS162A/DM74LS162ASynchronousPresettableBCDDecadeCountersMay199254LS160A/DM74L ..
DM74LS161AJ ,Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Counters54LS161A/DM54LS161A/DM74LS161A,54LS163A/DM54LS163A/DM74LS163ASynchronous4-BitBinaryCountersMay19925 ..
DM74LS161AM ,Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Countersapplications without addi-These synchronous, presettable counters feature an inter-tional gating. I ..
DS2155LNC2+ ,T1/E1/J1 Single-Chip TransceiverAPPLICATIONS T1/E1/J1 Line Cards ORDERING INFORMATION Switches and Routers Add-Drop Multiplexers ..
DS2156L+ ,T1/E1/J1 Single-Chip Transceiver TDM/UTOPIA II Interfaceapplications. The backplane is user- Complete E1 (CEPT) PCM-30/ISDN-PRI configurable for a TDM or U ..
DS2156LN ,T1/E1/J1 Single-Chip Transceiver TDM/UTOPIA II Interfaceapplications. The backplane is user- Complete E1 (CEPT) PCM-30/ISDN-PRI configurable for a TDM or U ..
DS2156LN+ ,T1/E1/J1 Single-Chip Transceiver TDM/UTOPIA II InterfaceFEATURES The DS2156 is a software-selectable T1, E1, or J1 Complete T1/DS1/ISDN-PRI/J1 Transceiver ..
DS21600 ,Clock Rate AdapterFEATURES The DS21600/DS21602/DS21604 are multiple-rate Direct Drop-In Replacement for LXP600ASE, ..
DS21600N ,3.3 V/5 V clock rate adapterPin Description PIN NAME TYPE FUNCTION DIP SO 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, N.C. No Connect 11, 13, 15 Synchr ..
Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers
June 1989
Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers
General Description
These data selectors/multiplexers contain inverters and
driversto supplyfull on-chip data selectiontothe fourout-
put gates.A separate strobe inputis provided.A 4-bit word selected fromoneof twosourcesandis routedtothefour
outputs.The LS157 presents true data whereasthe LS158
presents inverted datato minimize propagation delay time.
Applications Expandany data input point Multiplex dual data buses Generate four functionsof two variables (one variable common) Source programmable counters
Features Buffered inputsand outputs Typical Propagation Time
LS1587ns Typical Power Dissipation
LS15749 mW
LS15824 mW Alternate Military/Aerospace device (54LS157,
54LS158)is available. Contacta National Semiconduc-
tor Sales Office/Distributorfor specifications.
Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number 54LS157DMQB, 54LS157FMQB,
54LS157LMQB, DM54LS157J,DM54LS157W,
DM74LS157Mor DM74LS157N
SeeNS Package Number E20A, J16A,
M16A, N16Eor W16A
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number 54LS158DMQB, 54LS158FMQB,
54LS158LMQB, DM54LS158J, DM54LS158W,
DM74LS158Mor DM74LS158N
SeeNS Package Number E20A, J16A,
Function Table
Inputs OutputY
Strobe Select A B LS157 LS158 X X L H L X L H H X H L X L L H X H H LeHigh Level,LeLow Level,Xe Don’tCare
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.