DM7426N ,Quad 2-Input NAND Gates with High Voltage Open-Collector OutputsGeneral Description Pull-Up Resistor EquationsThis device contains four independent gates each of w ..
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Quad 2-Input NAND Gates with High Voltage Open-Collector Outputs
DM7426 Quad 2-Input NAND Gates with High Voltage Open-Collector Outputs August 1986 Revised February 2000 DM7426 Quad 2-Input NAND Gates with High Voltage Open-Collector Outputs General Description Pull-Up Resistor Equations This device contains four independent gates each of which performs the logic NAND function. The open-collector out- puts require external pull-up resistors for proper logical operation. Where: N (I ) = total maximum output high current 1 OH for all outputs tied to pull-up resistor N (I ) = total maximum input high current for 2 IH all inputs tied to pull-up resistor N (I ) = total maximum input low current for 3 IL all inputs tied to pull-up resistor Ordering Code: Order Number Package Number Package Description DM7426N N14A 14-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide Connection Diagram Function Table Y = AB Inputs Output AB Y LL H LH H HL H HH L H = HIGH Logic Level L = LOW Logic Level © 2000 DS006508