The 't97 ripple counter contains divide-by-two and divide-
by-eight section ..
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DM7425N ,7 V, dual 4-input NOR gateElectrical Characteristics"
table are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum ratings.
The "Recomm ..
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DS1746-70IND ,Y2K-Compliant, Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAMs DS1746/DS1746P Y2KC Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAMwww.dalsemi.com
DS1746P-70 ,Y2K-Compliant, Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAMsPIN DESCRIPTIONA0–A16 – Address InputCE – Chip EnableOE – Output EnableWE – Write EnableV – Po ..
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DS1746W/120+ ,Y2K-Compliant, Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAMs DS1746/DS1746P Y2K-Compliant, N onvolatile Timekeeping RAMs
[ Semiconductor
Presettable Binary Counters
General Description
The 't97 ripple counter contains divide-by-two and divide-
by-eight sections which can be combined to form a modulo-
16 binary counter. State changes are initiated by the falling
edge of the clock. The '197 has a Master Reset (WA) input
which overrides all other inputs and asynchronously forces
all outputs LOW. A Parallel Load input (W) overrides
clocked operations and asynchronously loads the data on
the Parallel Data inputs (Pn) into the flip-flops. This preset
feature makes the circuit usable as a programmable coun-
ter. The circuit can also be used as a 4-bit latch, loading
data from the Parallel Data inputs when PT. is LOW and
storing the data when PT is HIGH.
Connection Diagram
DuaI-In-Llne Package
- s,,...,)
PL- 1 14 -e
Q2- 2 13 - We
P2- 3 12 ~03
PO- 4 11 -N
tto- s 10 -Pl
F- 6 ' -ttl
tmo- 7 a -e7t)
Order Number DM74197N
See NS Package Number N14A
Pin Names Deaerlptlon
$0 + 2 Section Clock Input
(Active Falling Edge)
CPI ' 8 Section Clock Input
(Active Falling Edge)
MA Asynchronous Master Fleset Input
(Active LOW)
PO - P3 Parallel Data Inputs
PT. Asynchronous Parallel Load Input
(Active LOW)
00 + 2 Section Output'
Q1-.Q3 + 8 Section Outputs
"tlo output is guaranteed to drive the full rated lan-out plus the CPI input.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Mllltary/Aerospace speclflod devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
offlttemlatrlttutors for availability and spetelflttatiorts.
Supply Voltage 7V
Input Voltage 5.5V
Operating Free Air Temperature Range
DM74 tPC to + 700
Storage Temperature Range -65''C to + 150°C
Recommended Operating Conditions
Note: The "Absokttty Maximum Ratings" are those values
beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaran-
teed. The device should not be operated at these limits The
parametric values defined in the "EltytMttal Charactenlstics"
table are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum ratings.
The "Recommended Operating Conditions" table will dafim,
the conditions for actual device operation.
Symbol Parameter “74197 Unlts
Mln Norn Max
Vcc Supply Voltage 4.75 5 5.25 V
VIH High Level Input Voltage 2 V
" Low Lave! Input Voltage 0.8 V
IOH High Level Output Current - 0.25 mA
lot. Low Level Output Current 16 mA
T A Free Air Operating Temperature 0 70 ''C
ts (H) Setup Time HIGH or LOW 10 ns
ts (L) Pn to W. 15
th (H) Hold Time HIGH or LOW 0 ns
th (L) Pn to W 0
tw (H) We Pulse Width HIGH 20 ns
tw (H) trot Pulse Width HIGH 30 ns
tw (L) PT Pulse Width LOW 20 ns
tw (L) Wi Pulse Width LOW 15 ns
tree Recovery Time 5: to trp,, 20 ns
tree Recovery Time W? to 55,. 20 ns
Electrical Characteristics
Over recommended operating free air temperatum range (unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Mln Typ Max Unlts
(Note 1)
V. Input Clamp Voltage Vcc == Min, II = -12 mA -1.5 V
VOH High LevelOutputVoltage Vcc = Min, IOH = Max
2.4 3.4 V
" = Max
VOL Low Level Output Voltage Vcc = Min. IOL = Max 0.2 0.4 V
VIH = Min
ll Input Current © Max Vcc = Max, V. = 5.5V 1 m A
Input Voltage
IIH High Level Input Current Vcc = Max, V. == 5.51391 1 mA
Vcc = Max, lh = 2.4V 40 [AA
IIL Low Level Input Current VCC = Max, V. = 0.4V -1.6 mA
los Short Circuit VCC = Max _ _
Output Current (Note 2) 18 57 mA
'00 Supply Current Vcc = Max, All Inputs = GND 59 mA
Note 1: Atl typicals ate at Voc - 5V, TA = 290
Note 2: Not more than one output should be shorted at a time.
Switching Characteristics
Vcc = +5.0V, TA = +25°C (See Section 1 for waveforms and load configurations)
Symbol Parameter th. = 15 pF Unlts
RL = 4000
Min Max
fmax Maximum Count
Frequency at Cpo 50 MHz
fmax Maximum Count
Frequency at 5151 25 MHz
tpLH Propagation Delay 12 ns
tPHL C-PO to 00 15
tpLH Propagation Delay 18 ns
tPHL $1 to Q1 21
tpLH Propagation Delay 36 ns
ipHL $1 to 02 42
tpLH Propagation Delay 54 ns
tPHL CTP1 to Q3 63
1pLH Propagation Delay 24 ns
tPHL Pn to On 38
tpLH Propagation Delay 33 ns
tpHL PT to On 36
tPHL Propagation Delay
mm on 37 ns
Logic Symbol
I 4 10 3 11
PL P0 P1 P2 M
MR 00 01 02 03
13 5 9 2 12
Voc = Pin 14
GND = Fin?
Mode Selection Table + 16 State Diagram
- tu''' - Response 0 . I I 2 , 3 t 4
L X X Qn Forced LOW "
H L X Pn - On 15 5
H H \ Count Up IL
H = HIGH Voltage Level
L = LOW Voltage Level "
X = Immaterial l 4 6
12 1 ll 1 l0 A 9 1 8
Logic Diagram
P0 P1 P2 P3
SD - so .4. so L so
J O , J tt J 0 T - J it
Kma 'tcod Kma Kwa
00 01 02 03
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