DM74LS374N ,3-state octal D-type transparent latches and edge-triggered flip-flopsGeneral Descriptionoutputs in either a normal logic state (high or low logic levels)These 8-bit reg ..
DM74LS374WM ,TRI-STATEE Octal D-Type Transparent Latches and Edge-Triggered Flip-FlopsFeaturesYChoice of 8 latches or 8 D-type flip-flops in a singleThese8-bitregistersfeaturetotem-pole ..
DM74LS374WMX , Octal D-Type Transparent Latches and Edge-Triggered Flip-FlopsFeaturesThese 8-bit registers feature totem-pole 3-STATE outputs Choice of 8 latches or 8 D-type f ..
DM74LS377N ,Octal D Flip-Flop with Common Enable and ClockFunctional DescriptionThe DM74LS377 consists of eight edge-triggered D flip-flops with individual D ..
DM74LS377WMX , Octal D Flip-Flop with Common Enable and ClockFunctional DescriptionThe DM74LS377 consists of eight edge-triggered D flip-flops with individual D ..
DS2401P/T&R ,Silicon Serial NumberFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Upgrade and drop-in replacement for DS2400TO-92TSOC PACKAGE— Extended 2.8 ..
DS2401P+ ,Silicon Serial NumberPIN DESCRIPTION16.3kbits/sTO-92/SOT-223 TSOC TO-92 Tape & Reel version with leads bentPin 1 Ground ..
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DS2401P+T , Silicon Serial Number Unique, Factory-Lasered and Tested 64-Bit
DS2401P+T&R ,Silicon Serial NumberPIN DESCRIPTION16.3kbits/sTO-92/SOT-223 TSOC TO-92 Tape & Reel version with leads bentPin 1 Ground ..
DS2401X1 ,Silicon Serial NumberFEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT TSOC PACKAGE§ Upgrade and drop-in replacement forTO-92DS2400DALLAS- ..
3-state octal D-type transparent latches and edge-triggered flip-flops
3-STATE Octal D-Type Transparent Latches and
Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops
General DescriptionThese 8-bit registers feature totem-pole 3-STATE outputs
designed specificallyfor driving highly-capacitiveor rela-
tively low-impedance loads. The high-impedance stateand
increased high-logic level drive provide these registers with
the capabilityof being connected directlytoand drivingthe
bus linesina bus-organized system without needfor inter-
faceor pull-up components. Theyare particularly attractive
for implementing buffer registers,I/O ports, bidirectionalbus
drivers,and working registers.
The eight latchesofthe DM54/74LS373are transparent
D-type latches meaningthat whilethe enable(G)is highthe outputswill followthe data(D) inputs. Whenthe enableis
takenlowthe outputwillbe latchedatthe levelofthe data
that wassetup.
The eight flip-flopsof theDM54/74LS374are edge-triggered
D-typeflip flops.Onthe positive transitionof theclock,theQ
outputswillbesettothe logic statesthat weresetupatthe inputs.
Abuffered outputcontrol inputcan beusedto place theeight
outputsin either anormallogicstate(highorlowlogiclevels)a high-impedance state.Inthe high-impedance statethe
outputs neither loadnor drivethebus lines significantly.
The output control doesnot affectthe internal operationof
the latchesor flip-flops. Thatis,theold datacanbe retained new datacanbe entered even whilethe outputsareoff.
Features Choiceof8 latchesor8 D-type flip-flopsina single
package 3-STATE bus-driving outputs Full parallel-accessfor loading Buffered control inputs P-N-P inputs reduce D-C loadingon data lines
Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Packages
Order Number DM54LS373J, DM54LS373W, DM74LS373Nor DM74LS373WM
See Package Number J20A, M20B, N20Aor W20AMarch 1998
Flip-Flops©1998 DS006431