DM74LS190N ,Synchronous 4-Bit Up/Down Counters with Mode ControlDM54LS190/DM74LS190,DM54LS191/DM74LS191Synchronous4-BitUp/DownCounterswithModeControlMay1989DM54LS1 ..
DM74LS191N ,Synchronous 4-Bit Up/Down Counters with Mode ControlGeneral Descriptioncading function: ripple clock and maximum/minimum count.The DM74LS191 circuit is ..
DM74LS192N ,54LS192/DM74LS192 Up/Down Decade Counter with Separate Up/Down Clocks54LS192/DM74LS192Up/DownDecadeCounterwithSeparateUp/DownClocksMay199254LS192/DM74LS192Up/DownDecade ..
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DM74LS193MX , Synchronous 4-Bit Up/Down Binary Counter with Dual ClockGeneral Descriptioninputs are buffered to lower the drive requirements of clockThe DM74LS193 circui ..
DM74LS193N ,Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Counter with Dual ClockFeatures
I Fully independent clear input
I Synchronous operation
I Cascading circuitry pro ..
DS2186+ ,Transmit Line InterfacePIN DESCRIPTION Table 1PIN SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION1 TAIS I Transmit Alarm Indication Signal. When ..
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DS2186S+ ,Transmit Line Interfaceapplications are supported. Appropriate CCITT recom-communications networks. The device is compatib ..
DS2187 ,Receive Line Interfaceapplications such as AVSS 10 11 DVSSterminal equipment to DSX-1 20-Pin S ..
DS2187+ ,Receive Line Interfaceapplications utilize a 18.528 MHz clock divided by either11, 12, or 13 to match the phase of the in ..
Synchronous 4-Bit Up/Down Counters with Mode Control
May 1989
DM54LS190/DM74LS190, DM54LS191/DM74LS191
Synchronous 4-Bit Up/Down Counters with Mode Control
General Description
These circuitsare synchronous, reversible, up/down coun-
ters.The LS191isa 4-bit binary counterandthe LS190isa
BCD counter. Synchronous operationis providedby having
all flip-flops clocked simultaneously,so thatthe outputs
change simultaneously whenso instructedbythe steering
logic. This modeof operation eliminatesthe output counting
spikes normally associatedwith asynchronous (ripple clock)
The outputsofthefour master-slave flip-flopsare triggereda low-to-high level transitionofthe clock input,ifthe
enable inputislow.A highatthe enable input inhibits count-
ing. Level changesat eitherthe enable inputorthe down/ input shouldbe made only whenthe clock inputis high.
The directionofthe countis determinedbythe levelofthe
down/up input. Whenlow,the counter countsupand when
high,it counts down.
These countersare fully programmable;thatis,the outputs
maybe presetto either levelby placingalowonthe load
inputand enteringthe desired dataatthe data inputs.The
outputwill change independentofthe levelofthe clockin-
put. This feature allowsthe counterstobe usedas modulo- dividersby simply modifyingthe count length withthe
preset inputs.
The clock, down/up,and load inputsare bufferedto lower
the drive requirement; which significantly reducesthe num-
berof clock drivers, etc., requiredfor long parallel words.
Two outputs have been made availableto performthe cas-
cading function: ripple clockand maximum/minimum count.
The latter output producesa high-level output pulse witha
duration approximately equaltoone complete cycleofthe
clock whenthe counter overflowsor underflows.The ripple
clock output producesa low-level output pulse equalin
widthtothe low-level portionofthe clock input whenan
overflowor underflowcondition exists.The counterscanbe
easily cascadedby feedingthe ripple clock outputtothe
enable inputofthe succeeding counterif parallel clockingis
used,ortothe clock inputif parallel enablingis used. The
maximum/minimum count output canbe usedto accom-
plish look-aheadfor high-speed operation.
Features Counts 8-4-2-1 BCDor binary Single down/up count controlline Count enable control input Ripple clock outputfor cascading Asynchronously presettable with load control Parallel outputs Cascadablefor n-bit applications Average propagation delay20ns Typical clock frequency25 MHz Typical power dissipation 100mW
Connection Diagram
Order Number DM54LS190J, DM54LS191J, DM54LS190W,
DM54LS191W,DM74LS190M, DM74LS191M, DM74LS190N,or DM74LS191N
SeeNS Package Number
J16A,M16A, N16Aor W16A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.