DM54LS138J ,Decoders/DemultiplexersFeaturesused to minimize the effects of system decoding. WhenYDesigned specifically for high speed: ..
DM54LS151J ,Data Selector/Multiplexerfeatures complementary W and Y outputs. YTypical power dissipation 30 mWYAlternate Military/Aerospa ..
DM54LS154J ,4-Line to 16-Line Decoders/DemultiplexersDM54LS154/DM74LS1544-Lineto16-LineDecoders/DemultiplexersMay1989DM54LS154/DM74LS1544-Lineto16-LineD ..
DM54LS154J ,4-Line to 16-Line Decoders/DemultiplexersFeaturesYDecodes 4 binary-coded inputs into one of 16 mutuallyEach of these 4-line-to-16-line decod ..
DM54LS154J ,4-Line to 16-Line Decoders/DemultiplexersFeaturesYDecodes 4 binary-coded inputs into one of 16 mutuallyEach of these 4-line-to-16-line decod ..
DM54LS155J ,Dual 2-Line to 4-Line Decoders/Demultiplexers54LS155/DM54LS155/DM74LS155,54LS156/DM54LS156/DM74LS156Dual2-Lineto4-LineDecoders/DemultiplexersJun ..
DS1644 ,Nonvolatile Real-Time Clocks RAMPIN DESCRIPTION PIN NAME FUNCTION PDIP PowerCap 1 32 A14 2 30 A12 3 25 A7 4 24 A6 5 23 A5 Address I ..
DS1644+120 ,Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAMPIN DESCRIPTION PIN NAME FUNCTION PDIP PowerCap 1 32 A14 2 30 A12 3 25 A7 4 24 A6 5 23 A5 Address I ..
DS1644-120 ,32K x 8 nonvolatile timekeeping static RAM, 120ns accessPIN DESCRIPTIONcalibratedA0–A14 – Address InputCE – Chip Enable• BCD coded year, month, date, day, ..
DS1644-120 ,32K x 8 nonvolatile timekeeping static RAM, 120ns accessDS1644LPMDS1644LPMNonvolatile Timekeeping RAM
DS1644-120 ,32K x 8 nonvolatile timekeeping static RAM, 120ns access DS1644/DS1644P Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM
DS1644-120 ,32K x 8 nonvolatile timekeeping static RAM, 120ns accessBLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1CLOCKOSCILLATOR AND REGISTERS32.768 KHzCLOCK COUNTDOWNCHAINCEWE32K X 8NV SRAM ..
June 1989
General Description
These Schottky-clamped circuitsare designedtobe usedin
high-performance memory-decodingor data-routing appli-
cations, requiring very short propagation delay times.In
high-performance memory systems these decoderscanbe
usedto minimizethe effectsof system decoding. When
used with high-speed memories,the delay timesof these
decodersare usuallyless thanthe typical access time ofthe
memory. This means thatthe effective system delay intro-
ducedbythe decoderis negligible.
The LS138 decodesone-of-eight lines, based uponthe con-
ditionsatthe three binary select inputsand thethreeenable
inputs. Two active-low and one active-high enable inputs
reducethe needfor external gatesor inverters whenex-
panding.A 24-line decodercanbe implemented withnoex-
ternal inverters, anda 32-line decoder requires only one
inverter.An enable inputcanbe usedasa data inputfor
demultiplexing applications.
The LS139 comprisestwo separate two-line-to-four-linede-
codersina singlepackage.The active-low enable inputcan usedasa datalinein demultiplexing applications.
Allof these decoders/demultiplexers feature fully buffered
inputs, presenting only one normalized loadtoits driving
circuit.All inputs are clamped with high-performance
Schottkydiodesto suppress line-ringingand simplify system
Features Designed specificallyfor high speed:
Memory decoders
Data transmission systems LS138 3-to-8-line decoders incorporates3 enablein-
putsto simplify cascading and/or data reception LS139 containstwo fully independent 2-to-4-line decod-
ers/demultiplexers Schottky clampedfor high performance Typical propagation delay(3 levelsof logic)
LS13921ns Typical power dissipation
LS13832 mW
LS13934 mW Alternate Military/Aerospace devices (54LS138,
54LS139)are available. Contacta National Semicon-
ductor Sales Office/Distributorfor specifications.
Connection Diagrams
Order Number 54LS138DMQB, 54LS138FMQB,
54LS138LMQB, DM54LS138J,DM54LS138W,
DM74LS138Mor DM74LS138N
SeeNS Package Number E20A, J16A,
M16A, N16Eor W16A
Dual-in-Line Package
Order Number 54LS139DMQB, 54LS139FMQB,
54LS139LMQB, DM54LS139J, DM54LS139W,
DM74LS139Mor DM74LS139N
SeeNS Package Number E20A, J16A,
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.