DM54L04J ,Hex Inverting GateDM54L04HexInvertingGateJuly1989DM54L04HexInvertingGateGeneralDescriptionThis device contains six in ..
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DM54LS04J/883 ,Hex InverterGeneral DescriptionThis device contains six independent gates, each of which performs the logic INV ..
DS1631 ,High-Precision Digital Thermometer and ThermostatElectrical Characteristics(V = 2.7V to 5.5V; T = -55°C to +125°C.)DD APARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITION MI ..
DS1631AU ,High-precision digital thermometer and thermostatPIN DESCRIPTIONPIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION1 SDA Data Input/Output Pin for 2-Wire Serial Communication Po ..
DS1631AU+ ,High-Precision Digital Thermometer and ThermostatApplicationsDS1631A Only) and the 8-Pin DIP (DS1631 Only) ● Network Routers and Switches Packages ● ..
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DS1631U+ ,High-Precision Digital Thermometer and ThermostatApplicationsa -55°C to +125°C range. The DS1631 and DS1631A • Operating Temperature Range: -55°C to ..
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Hex Inverting Gate
July 1989
DM54L04 Hex Inverting Gate
General Description
This device containssix independent gates eachof which
performsthe logic INVERT function.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number DM54L04Jor DM54L04W
SeeNS Package Number J14AorW14B
Function TableeA
Input OutputeHigh Logic LeveleLow Logic Level
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.