DM54365J ,7 V, hex TRI-STATE bufferGeneral Description
This device contains six independent gates each of which
performs a non-inv ..
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DM5486J ,Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR GatesFeaturesYAlternate Military/Aerospace device (5486) is available.This device contains four independ ..
DS1620S+ ,Digital Thermometer and ThermostatApplications include thermostatic controls,54industrial systems, consumer products, GND TCOMthermom ..
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7 V, hex TRI-STATE buffer
DM54365 Hex TRl-STATE® Buffers
General Description
This device contains six independent gates each of which
performs a non-inverting buffer function. The outputs have
the TRI-STATE feature. When enabled. the outputs exhibit
the low impedance characteristics of a standard TTL output
with additional drive capability to permit the driving of bus
lines without external resistors. When disabled, both the
output transistors are turned off presenting a high-imped-
ance state to the bus line. Thus the output will act neither as
a significant load nor as a driver. To minimize the possibility
that two outputs will attempt to take a common bus to oppo-
site logic levels, the disable time is shorter than the enable
time of the outputs.
Connection Diagram
Dual-ln-Llne Package
It M " "
f,', 15 In In
A5 " M "
It: In I". l,
1 , l'
M At v1 A2
I: I5 5
" " GNU
Order Number DM54365J or DM54365W
See NS Package Number J16A or W16A
Function Table
Input Output
61 52 A y
H x x Hi-Z
x H x Hi-Z
High Logic Level
L --- Low Logic Level
X = Either Low or High Logic Level
Hi-Z = TFll-STATE (Outputs are disabled)
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note)
If Mllltary/Aerospace spaclfled devices are requlred.
please contact the National Strmlttondutttttr Sales
Offltttt/Dlatrlttutortt for avallablllty and apeeotatlons.
Supply Voltage 7V
Input Voltage 5.5V
Operating Free Air Temperature
Range - 55°C to + 125°C
Storage Temperature Range - 65°C to + 15tPC
Recommended Operating Conditions
Note: The "Absolute Maximum Hatings" are those values
beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaran-
teed. The device should not be operated at these limits. The
parametric values defined in the "Electrical Characteristics"
table am not guaranteed at the absolute maximum ratings.
The "Recommended Operating Conditions" table will define
the conditions for actual device operation.
Symbol Parameter DM54365 Unlts
Mln Nom Max
Voc Supply Voltage 4.5 5 5.5 V
VIH High Level Input Voltage 2 V
Vit. Low Level Input Voltage 0.8 V
loH High Level Output Current - 2 mA
IOL Low Level Output Current 32 mA
TA Free Air Operating Temperature - 55 125 "C
Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating free air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Parameter Condltlons Mln Typ Max Units
(Note "
V. Input Clamp Voltage Vcc = Min, I. Tf..T --12 mA -1.5 V
VOH High LevelOutput Vcc = Min, IO... = Max 2 4 a 1 V
Voltage " = Max,Ve = Min . .
VOL Low Level Output Vcc = Mm, loc = Max 0.2 0.4 V
Voltage VIH = Min, VIL = Max
I. Input Current @ Max Vcc = Max, v, = 5.5V
Input Voltage
IIH High Level InputCurrent VCC = Max,Vi = 2.4V 40 p.A
IIL Low Level InputCurrent Vcc = Max _ 40
V. = 0.5V (Note 4)
Vcc = Max _
v. = th4V (Note 5) 1.6 mA
VCC = Max -
lh = 0.4V 1.6
IoZH Off-State Output Current Vcc = Max, vo = 2.4V
with High Level Output VlH = Min, VIL == Max 40 WA
Voltage Applied
IOZL Off-State OutputCurrent Vcc = Max, vo = 0.4V
with Low Level Output Ihr, = Min, vu. = Max -40 p.A
Voltage Applied
los Short Circuit Output Current Vcc = Max (Note 2) l -40 - 1 15 mA
ICC Supply Current VCC = Max (Note 3) 59 85 mA
Note I: All typicals are at Voc = SV, TA = 25'C.
Note 2: Not more than one output should be shorted at a time.
Not. s.. log is measured with the data inputs grounded, and the output controls at 4.5V.
Note 4: Both G inputs are at 2V.
Not. 5: Both G inputs are at 0.4V.
Switching Characteristics athc = 5V and TA = 25'C (See Section 1 forTest Waveforms and Output Load)
RL = 400n
Symbol Parameter A. = 5 pF CL = 50 pF Units
Min Max Mln Max
tpLH Propagation Delay Time 16 n s
Low to High Level Output
tpHL Propagation Delay Time 22 n s
High to Low Level Output
tPZH Output Enable Time to 35 ns
High Level Output
tPZL Output Enable Time to 37 ns
Low Level Output
tsz Output Disable Time from 1 1 ns
High Level Output
tPLZ Output Disable Time from 27 ns
Low Level Output
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
DM54365J - product/dm54365j?HQS=T|-nu|I-null-dscatalog-df—pf-null-wwe
DM54365W - product/dm54365w?HQS=T|-nu|l-null-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe