DG9411DL ,Low-Voltage Single SPDT Analog SwitchS-02566—Rev. A, 10-Nov-001DG9411New ProductVishay Siliconix bReference to GND ..
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DG9431DV ,Low-Voltage Single SPDT Analog Switch FaxBack 408-970-5600S-63598—Rev. B, 26-Jul-994-1DG9431Vishay Siliconix
Low-Voltage Single SPDT Analog Switch
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Vishay SiliconixNew Product
Low-Voltage Single SPDT Analog Switch�������� Low Voltage Operation (2.25 V to 5.5 V) Low On-Resistance - rDS(on): 7 � Fast Switching - tON : 9 ns, tOFF: 5 ns Low Charge Injection - QINJ: 5 pC Low Power Consumption TTL/CMOS Compatible 6-Pin SC-70 Package
�������� Reduced Power Consumption Simple Logic Interface High Accuracy Reduce Board Space
������������ Cellular Phones Communication Systems Portable Test Equipment Battery Operated Systems Sample and Hold Circuits
The DG9411 is a single-pole/double-throw monolithic CMOS
analog switch designed for high performance switching of
analog signals. Combining low power, high speed (tON: 9 ns,
tOFF: 5 ns), low on-resistance (rDS(on): 7 �) and small physical
size (SC70), the DG9411 is ideal for portable and battery
powered applications requiring high performance and efficient
use of board space.
The DG9411 is built on Vishay Siliconix’s low voltage JI2
process. An epitaxial layer prevents latchup. Break-before
-make is guaranteed for DG9411.
Each switch conducts equally well in both directions when on,
and blocks up to the power supply level when off.
Logic “0” �0.8 V
Logic “1”� 2.4 V