DG202CSE ,Quad SPST SMOS Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (DG212): Specifications below satisfy or exceed all "tested" parameters ..
DG202CSE ,Quad SPST SMOS Analog Switcheselectrical characteristics above are a reproduction of a portion of Si/iconix's copyrighted 1985 da ..
DG202CSE ,Quad SPST SMOS Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (DG212): Specifications below satisfy or exceed all "tested" parameters ..
DG202DY ,Quad SPST CMOS Analog SwitchesDG202/DG21219-3960; Rev 1; 6/01Quad SPST CMOS Analog Switches
DG202DY ,Quad SPST CMOS Analog Switchesapplications.DG202C/D 0°C to +70°CDiceMaxim has also eliminated the need for the third logicDG202AE ..
DG202DY ,Quad SPST CMOS Analog SwitchesApplicationsDG202AAK -55°C to +125°C 16 CERDIPAnalog Multiplexers DG212CUE 0°C to +70°C 16 TSSOPDG2 ..
DPS-8 ,Winfield Corporation - 14 PIN DIP SINEWAVE
Quad SPST SMOS Analog Switches
2AlALill litt I] AW]
Quad SPST CMOS Analog Switches
- 2 - General Description
Maxim's MAX332. DG202 and DG212 are normally
open, quad single-pole-single-thrs (SPST) analog
switches. These CMOS switches can be continuously
operated with power supplies ranging from i4.5V to
:18V, Maxim guarantees that the MAX332 and
DG202/212 will not latch up if their power supplies
are disconnected with input signals still connected.
The MAX332 and DG202/DG212 are similar to the
DG201 and DG211 except for inverted control inputs.
All devices have guaranteed break-before-make
switching as well as essentially constant on resistance
over the analog signal range. All switches conduct
current in either direction and add no offset to the
output signal.
Compared to the original manufacturers products,
Maxim's MAX332 and DG202/DG212 consume very
little power, making them ideally suited for portable
applications. Maxim has also eliminated the need for
the third logic power supply (VL), required when
operating the original manufacturer’s DG212, without
sacrificing compatibility.
-vm --__ Applications
Analog Multiplexers
Programmable Gain Amplifiers
Communications Systems
Automatic Test Equipment
Typical Operating Circuit
5111) . I
Vu'lUV 2 IX VI
E MAX332
-i5lt 4 OG202
{E D6212
Programmable Gain Amplifier
Note: 'Pins l, 8, 9 and 16 are logic control inputs,
. Improved 2nd Source! (See pages 3 and 5
tor "MAXIM Advantage""')
Guaranteed :4.5V to i18V Operation
No lh. Supply Required
Non-Latching with Supplies Turned-off
and Input Signals Present
. CMOS and TTL Logic Compatible
. Monollthlc, Low Power CMOS Deslgn
Ordering Information
_ PF TEiF.EFidE -iwuouii"
MAX332MJE- -55°c to t125% .16 Lead CERDIP
Tasman) Fdto +70°C D10; V—W -
DG202CJ 0°C to 270°C 16 Lead Plastml: -
356202030 TA, to 470''C - 16 t%rss-ra Outline
_DG202CK 0°C'13-70°c 16 Lead CERDIP
30202535 _ -25% to. r85''C _ 16 JearsT,USwinT,
“om 35°C to 285°C t 16 c%rdiv:V"
DG202AK 55°C to t 125°C 16 Lead CEFlDIP
052120/0 0°C to +70°C Dice - i -
0(3212CJ _ CPC to 470°C 16 Lead Plastic DIP -
DG212CSE 0°C to Hoac E16 Lead Small Outline
. _ Pin Configuration
Top View
IN] [I E] Ill
ll; LE E”
31E M/le/Vl [332
H: MAh332 EW lsussmmy
DG202 2 .
GND% 00212 ZINC
St £153
04 [I .03
_ LOGIC sv_vi‘rcri'_
1 0 OFF 1
L I, - - ON 1
Note: "Pin 12 can be left open or connected to a logic supply
Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
MAX332/DG202/DGZ 12
Quad SPST CMOS Analog Switches
ViN to Ground
VL to Ground
Storage Temperature mr_.F_.rw_.._rr._.._rrr. -65''C to +125°C
Operating Temperature ......................... 0''C to 970°C
Power Dissipation (Note 1)
Vs or VD lo V+ ....................................... O, -40V 16 Pin Plastic DIP (Note 2) ......................... 470mW
Vior V010 ( ... 0, 40V 16 Pin Small Outline (SE) (Note 3) .................. 400mW
V to Ground .......................................... 25V
V' to Ground .......................................... -25V Note1; Device mounted with all leads soldered to PC board,
Current, An Terminal Exce tS or D . .. 30mA . a .,
tl,r,7,'l'i,'i7a',e//Crt) S or Dp ............................ 20mA Note 2: Derate 6.5mW/ C above '25 C,
Peak Current, s or D Note 3: Derate 7mW/ ''C above +25°C.
(Pulsed at tmsec, 10% duty cycle max) .............. 70mA
Stresses hsled under "Absolute Maxtmum Ratings" may be applred (one at a Irma) to dances without resulting tn permanent damage These are stress
ranngs only, and functional operator' ot the dance at mass or any other condmons above those indicated In Ihe operational S&CUOHS of the specifications
IS nor implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect dewca fellabI/Hy.
N' = +15V. V' = -15V, GND , ov, T, , 45°C, unless otherwise noted)
(Note 4) (Note 5)
l Analog Signal Range VANALOG _ -15 15 V
Drain-Source ON Resistance rDs (on, Vo -- t10V, VIN = 2.4V. ls = 1mA 115 175 n
I I Source OFF Leakage Current lswtn V.N = 0.8V Vs =14V,Vro = -14V tlOl 5.0
0 vs = -14V, VD = 14V -5/) -0.02
t , Drain OFF Leakage Current I010", VIN I 0.8V wt) =_-1'_11/, - 0OI 5 0 nA
VS = -14V, VD =14V -50 -0.02
Drain ON Leakage Current ' ) Vs = VD :14V-VIN = 2AV 0-1 5.0
(Note 6) Vs = Vo -- -14v. Ihr; = 2.4V -5.0 -0 15
F Input Current With Input “NH FVIN = 2.4V -1.0 -0O004
i . Voltage High vm= 15V 0003 IO PA
E Input Current With Input -
, Voltage Low 1WL VIN - 0V -1.0 -0.0004 l
Tum-ON Time ton See Switching Time 460 1000
' tom Test Circuit 360 500 ns
1 Turn-OFF Time tov, Vs = 2V, Ru :1“)ch = 35pF 450
E . Source OFF Capacitance Cs (om Vs = 0V, V.N 2 0V.f=1MHz i, 5
g 'igin OFF Capacitance CD (om VD = 0V. VIN 7 0V,1=1MHz 5 pF
'li Channel ON Capacitance Cro.uon, Vo a Vs = 5V. V,N = 0V,f-1MHz 16
OFF Isolation (Note 7) OIRR 70
C t lk 1hN--0V,RL=1knrCc-15pF, dB
ross a V =1VRMS,1=100kHz
(Channel to Channel) CORR s 90
5 Positive Supply Current I' 0.35 0.48
't Negative Supply Current l- Vm = 0V and 2.4V 0.30 0.48 mA
tn Logic Supply Current IL 0.5 1.2
Note 4: The algebraic convention whereby the most negative value is a minimum. and the most posmve is a maximum, IS used In this
data sheet.
Note 5: Typical values are for DESIGN AID ONLY, not guaranteed nor subject to production testing.
Note 6: low", is leakage from driver into "ON" switch,
Note r.. OFF Isolation : 20 log ‘73 , Vs -- Input to OFF switch, Vo = output.
The trltttrtrica/ chtrratttttristics above are a reprottutttton of a DOHIOH ot $hlrctrnix's copyrighted 1985 data book. This mlormanon does not consmme any
rtrpresentattan try Maxim that Siliconix 's products w1/Iperform In accordance With these specifications. The "Electrical Characteristics Table" along wrth
UBSCIIDIIVG excerpts trom the ongmal manufacturer's data sheet have been mcluded m (ms data sheet solely for comparal've purposes
ll/l/l XI/VI