DCJ010 ,Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type Diode High-Speed Switching DiodeAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25 ˚CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitPeak Reverse Voltage ..
DCP010505BP ,Miniature/ 1W Isolated UNREGULATED DC/DC CONVERTERSElectrical Characteristics table ..... 6• Added Isolation section to the Feature Description sectio ..
DCP010505BPU ,Miniature/ 1W Isolated UNREGULATED DC/DC CONVERTERSBlock Diagrams. 12Information..... 248.3 Feature Description.... 134 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page num ..
DCP010505BP-U ,Miniature/ 1W Isolated UNREGULATED DC/DC CONVERTERSBlock DiagramSYNCOUTOscillator Divide-by-2+VOUTSYNCIN800 kHz ResetPower ±VOUTWatchdogStageStartupCO ..
DCP010505BP-U ,Miniature/ 1W Isolated UNREGULATED DC/DC CONVERTERSfeatures and small size makesthe DCP01B series of devices suitable for a wide2 Applicationsrange of ..
DCP010505BP-U ,Miniature/ 1W Isolated UNREGULATED DC/DC CONVERTERSFeatures... 19 Application and Implementation...... 172 Applications..... 19.1 Application Informat ..
DM74S139N ,Decoder/Demultiplexerapplications.
The S139 comprises two separate two-Iine-to-four-Iine de-
coders in a single pack ..
DM74S140N ,7 V, dual 4-input NAND 50 Ohm line driverGeneral Description
This device contains two independent line driver gates each
of which perfor ..
DM74S151N ,1-of-8 Data Selector/Multiplexer with Complementary OutputsFeatures
I Select one-of-eight data lines
I Performs parallel-to-serial conversion
I Permi ..
DM74S153N ,Dual 1-of-4 Line Data Selector/MultiplexerFeaturesEach of these data selectors/multiplexers contains invert-