DAC8165IBPW ,14-Bit, Quad Channel, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output DAC with 2.5V, 2ppm/?C Internal Reference 16-TSSOP -40 to 105ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt AV = 2.7V to 5.5V and–40°C to +105°C range (unless otherwise noted).DD ..
DAC8165ICPW ,14-Bit, Quad Channel, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output DAC with 2.5V, 2ppm/?C Internal Reference 16-TSSOP -40 to 105This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
DAC8168IAPW ,14-Bit, Octal Channel, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output DAC with 2.5V, 2ppm/?C Internal Reference 14-TSSOP -40 to 125Block DiagramAV V IN/V OUT2 Applications DD REF REFDAC75682.5V• Portable InstrumentationDAC8168Refe ..
DAC8168ICPW ,14-Bit, Octal Channel, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output DAC with 2.5V, 2ppm/?C Internal Reference 16-TSSOP -40 to 125Featuresa power-on-reset circuit that ensures the DAC output1• Relative Accuracy:powers up at eithe ..
DAC8212FV ,Dual 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying CMOS D/A ConverterGENERAL DESCRIPTION
The DAC-8221 combinestwoidentical12-bit,multiplying,digital-
to-analog conv ..
DAC8218SPAG ,Octal, Low power ,14-bit, +/-16.5V Output Serial Input Digital-to-Analog Converter 64-TQFP -40 to 105features a standard, high-speed serial• Daisy-Chain with Sleep Mode Enhancementperipheral interface ..
DM54L04J ,Hex Inverting GateDM54L04HexInvertingGateJuly1989DM54L04HexInvertingGateGeneralDescriptionThis device contains six in ..
DM54L93J ,Decade/ Divide-by-12/ and Binary CountersFeaturesYTypical power dissipation 16 mWEach of these monolithic counters contains four master-Ysla ..
DM54LS00J ,Quad 2-Input NAND GatesFeaturesYAlternate Military/Aerospace device (54LS00) is avail-This device contains four independen ..
DM54LS00J ,Quad 2-Input NAND Gates54LS00/DM54LS00/DM74LS00Quad2-InputNANDGatesJune198954LS00/DM54LS00/DM74LS00Quad2-InputNANDGatesGen ..
DM54LS04J ,Hex Inverting Gates54LS04/DM54LS04/DM74LS04HexInvertingGatesJune198954LS04/DM54LS04/DM74LS04HexInvertingGatesGeneralDe ..
DM54LS04J/883 ,Hex InverterGeneral DescriptionThis device contains six independent gates, each of which performs the logic INV ..
14-Bit, Quad Channel, Ultra-Low Glitch, Voltage Output DAC with 2.5V, 2ppm/掳C Internal Reference
24-Bit Shift Register
Data Buffer A DAC Register A DAC Register B
Data Buffer D DAC Register D
14-Bit DAC
14-Bit DAC
14-Bit DAC
Digital-to-Analog Converter with 2.5V, 2ppm/°C Internal Reference
Checkfor Samples: DAC8165
234• Relative Accuracy: 1LSB•
Glitch Energy: 0.15nV-s Internal Reference:–
2.5V Reference Voltage (enabledby default) up–
0.004% Initial Accuracy (typ)is–
2ppm/°C Temperature Drift (typ)–
5ppm/°C Temperature Drift (max)–
20mA Sink/Source Capability•
Power-On Resetto Zero-Scaleor Mid-Scale The interface is compatible with standard SPI™,
QSPI™, Microwire™, and digital signal processor•
Asynchronous Clearto Zero-Scaleor(DSP) interfaces.
Mid-Scale Ultra-Low Power Operation: 1mAat 5V•
Wide Power Supply Range: +2.7Vto +5.5Vto•
14-Bit Monotonic Over Temperature Range•
Settling Time: 10μsto ±0.006%
Range (FSR)to•
Low-Power Serial Interface withSchmitt-Triggered Inputs: Upto 50MHz•
On-Chip Output Buffer Amplifier withRail-to-Rail Operation 1.8Vto 5.5V Logic Compatibility•
Temperature Range: –40°C
to +105°C with the DAC7565 and DAC8565, and functionally
compatible with the DAC7564, DAC8164 and
APPLICATIONS DAC8564. All these devices are available ina
TSSOP-16 package.