DAC813JU ,Microprocessor-Compatible 12-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERMAXIMUM RATINGSPIN NAME DESCRIPTION +V to ACOM .. 0 to +18VCC–V to ACOM .. 0 to –18VCC1+V Positive ..
DAC813JUG4 ,Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A Converter 28-SOIC 0 to 70MAXIMUM RATINGSPIN NAME DESCRIPTION +V to ACOM .. 0 to +18VCC–V to ACOM .. 0 to –18VCC1+V Positive ..
DAC813KU ,Microprocessor-Compatible 12-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERDAC813DAC813®DAC813Microprocessor-Compatible12-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERconverter with voltag ..
DAC8143FP ,12-Bit Serial Daisy-Chain CMOS D/A Converterfeatures serial data input and buffered serial dataoutput. It was designed for multiple serial DAC ..
DAC8143FS ,12-Bit Serial Daisy-Chain CMOS D/A ConverterCHARACTERISTICS(@ V = +5 V; V = +10 V; V = V = V = V = 0 V; T = FullDD REF OUT1 0UT2 AGND DGND ATem ..
DAC8143FS ,12-Bit Serial Daisy-Chain CMOS D/A ConverterFEATURESFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFast, Flexible, Microprocessor Interfacing in SeriallyVControlled S ..
DM5474J ,Dual Positive-Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flops with Preset/ Clear and Complementary Outputs5474/DM5474/DM7474DualPositive-Edge-TriggeredDFlip-FlopswithPreset,ClearandComplementaryOutputsJune ..
DM5486J ,Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR GatesFeaturesYAlternate Military/Aerospace device (5486) is available.This device contains four independ ..
DM5493AJ ,7 V, decade and binary counterFeatures
I Typical power dissipation
- 90A 145 mW
- 93A 130 mW
I Count frequency 42 MHz
I Alte ..
DM54L04J ,Hex Inverting GateDM54L04HexInvertingGateJuly1989DM54L04HexInvertingGateGeneralDescriptionThis device contains six in ..
DM54L93J ,Decade/ Divide-by-12/ and Binary CountersFeaturesYTypical power dissipation 16 mWEach of these monolithic counters contains four master-Ysla ..
DM54LS00J ,Quad 2-Input NAND GatesFeaturesYAlternate Military/Aerospace device (54LS00) is avail-This device contains four independen ..
Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A Converter 28-SOIC -40 to 85
DAC813 DAC813 ® DAC813 Microprocessor-Compatible 12-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER converter with voltage output operational amplifier. FEATURES Fast current switches and laser-trimmed thin-film l±1/2LSB NONLINEARITY OVER resistors provide a highly accurate, fast D/A con- TEMPERATURE verter. lGUARANTEED MONOTONIC OVER Digital interfacing is facilitated by a double buffered TEMPERATURE latch. The input latch consists of one 8-bit byte and lLOW POWER: 270mW typ one 4-bit nibble to allow interfacing to 8-bit (right justified format) or 16-bit data buses. Input gating lDIGITAL INTERFACE DOUBLE logic is designed so that the last nibble or byte to be BUFFERED: 12 AND 8 + 4 BITS loaded can be loaded simultaneously with the transfer lSPECIFIED AT ±12V AND ±15V POWER of data to the D/A latch saving computer instructions. SUPPLIES A reset control allows the DAC813 D/A latch to lRESET FUNCTION TO BIPOLAR ZERO asynchronously reset the D/A output to bipolar zero, l0.3" WIDE DIP AND SO PACKAGES a feature useful for power-up reset, recalibration, or for system re-initialization upon system failure. DESCRIPTION The DAC813 is specified to ±1/2LSB maximum lin- earity error (J, A grades) and ±1/4LSB (K grade). The DAC813 is a complete monolithic 12-bit digital- It is packaged in 28-pin 0.3" wide plastic DIP and to-analog converter with a flexible digital interface. 28-lead plastic SOIC It includes a precision +10V reference, interface con- trol logic, double-buffered latch and a 12-bit D/A Reset 4 MSBs 8 LSBs Input Latch Input Latch BPO 24.9kΩ 48 20V Span 25kΩ D/A Latch 20V Span 12 25kΩ 10V 12-Bit D/A 49.5kΩ Reference Converter V OUT V V REF OUT REF IN International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111 Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • FAXLine: (800) 548-6133 (US/Canada Only) • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 ® © 1990 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1077G Printed in U.S.A. March, 1998 1 DAC813 SBAS004