DAC7644E ,16-Bit/ Quad Voltage Output DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe DAC7644 is a 16-bit, quad voltage output digital-l LOW POWER: 10mWto-analog ..
DAC7644EBG4 ,16-Bit, Quad Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter 48-SSOP -40 to 85DAC7644®DAC7644For most current data sheet and other productinformation, visit www.burr-brown.com16 ..
DAC7654YCT ,16 Bit, Quad Voltage Output Digital to Analog ConverterFEATURES DESCRIPTION Low Glitch: 1nV-s (typ)The DAC7654 is a 16-bit, quad voltage output,digital-t ..
DAC7654YCTG4 ,16 Bit, Quad Voltage Output Digital to Analog Converter 64-LQFP -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: V = 0V SSAll specifications at T = T to T , IOV = V = V = +5V, and V = ..
DAC7654YT ,16 Bit, Quad Voltage Output Digital to Analog ConverterMAXIMUM RATINGSInstruments recommends that all integrated circuits be(1)over operating free-air tem ..
DM2502CJ ,Successive Approximation RegistersFeaturesvertertoperformsuccessiveapproximationanalog-to-digitalYComplete logic for successive appro ..
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DM2503CN ,Successive Approximation RegistersDM2502,DM2503,DM2504SuccessiveApproximationRegistersNovember1995DM2502,DM2503,DM2504SuccessiveAppro ..
DM2504CN ,Successive Approximation RegistersDM2502,DM2503,DM2504SuccessiveApproximationRegistersNovember1995DM2502,DM2503,DM2504SuccessiveAppro ..
DM330013 , 16-bit Embedded Control Solutions
16-Bit, Quad Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter 48-SSOP -40 to 85
DAC7644 ® DAC7644 For most current data sheet and other product information, visit www.burr-brown.com 16-Bit, Quad Voltage Output DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER FEATURES DESCRIPTION The DAC7644 is a 16-bit, quad voltage output digital-l LOW POWER: 10mW to-analog converter with guaranteed 15-bit monotonic l UNIPOLAR OR BIPOLAR OPERATION performance over the specified temperature range. It l SETTLING TIME: 10μs to 0.003% accepts 16-bit parallel input data, has double-buffered l 15-BIT LINEARITY AND MONOTONICITY: DAC input logic (allowing simultaneous update of all –40°C to +85°C DACs), and provides a readback mode of the internal input registers. Programmable asynchronous reset clears l PROGRAMMABLE RESET TO MID-SCALE all registers to a mid-scale code of 8000 or to a zero- H OR ZERO-SCALE scale of 0000 . The DAC7644 can operate from a single H l DATA READBACK +5V supply or from +5V and –5V supplies. l DOUBLE-BUFFERED DATA INPUTS Low power and small size per DAC make the DAC7644 ideal for automatic test equipment, DAC-per-pin pro- grammers, data acquisition systems, and closed-loop APPLICATIONS servo-control. The DAC7644 is available in a 48-lead SSOP package and offers guaranteed specificationsl PROCESS CONTROL over the –40°C to +85°C temperature range. l CLOSED-LOOP SERVO-CONTROL l MOTOR CONTROL l DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS l DAC-PER-PIN PROGRAMMERS V L V H REF REF AB Sense V L AB V H AB AB Sense V V V REF REF DD SS CC DAC7644 16 I/O Input DAC DATA I/O DAC A Buffer Register A Register A V A OUT V A Sense OUT Input DAC DAC B Register B Register B V B OUT V B Sense OUT A1 Input DAC DAC C Control A0 Register C Register C V C OUT Logic CS R/W V C Sense OUT Input DAC DAC D Register D Register D V D OUT V D Sense OUT V L V L CD V H CD V H AGND DGND RST RSTSEL LOADDACS REF REF REF REF CD Sense CD Sense International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 Twx: 910-952-1111 • Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 ® © 1999 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1535B Printed in U.S.A. November, 1999 1 DAC7644 SBAS121