DAC5689IRGCT ,16-bit, 800 MSPS 2x-8x Interpolating Dual-Channel Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) 64-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTION• Dual, 16-Bit, 800 MSPS DACsThe DAC5689 is a dual-channel 16-bit 800 MSPS• Dua ..
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DAC6571IDBVR ,DAC6571: 10-Bit Digital-to-Analog ConverterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV = +2.7 V to +5.5 V; R = 2 kΩ to GND; C = 200 pF to GND; all specificati ..
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16-bit, 800 MSPS 2x-8x Interpolating Dual-Channel Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
www.ti.com SLLS989A –SEPTEMBER 2009–REVISED AUGUST 2010
Checkfor Samples: DAC5689
1FEATURES DESCRIPTION Dual, 16-Bit, 800 MSPS DACs The DAC5689isa dual-channel 16-bit 800 MSPS
digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with dual CMOS
• Dual, 16-Bit, 250 MSPS CMOS Input Datadigital data bus, integrated 2x-8x interpolation filters,
– 16 Sample Input FIFO a fine frequency mixer with 32-bit complex
– Flexible Input Data Bus Options numerically controlled oscillator (NCO), IQ
High Performance compensation, and internal voltage reference.
Different modes of operation enable or bypass
– 81 dBc ACLR WCDMA TM1at70 MHz various signal processing blocks. The DAC5689
• Selectable 2x–8x Interpolation Filters offers superior linearity, noise and crosstalk
Stop-band Attenuation>80 dB performance.
Complex Mixer with 32-Bit NCO The DAC5689 dual CMOS data bus provides 250
Digital Quadrature Modulator Correction MSPS input data transfer per DAC channel. Several
input data options are available: dual-bus data,
– Gain, Phase and Offset Correction single-bus interleaved data, even and odd
• Digital Inverse SINC Filter multiplexingat half-rate, andan input FIFO with either
3-or 4-Wire Serial Control Interface external or internal clockto ease interface timing.
Input data can be interpolated 2x, 4x or 8x by
• On Chip 1.2-V Reference on-board digital interpolating FIR filters with over 80
• Differential Scalable Output:2to 20 mA dBof stop-band attenuation.
• Package: 64-pin 9×9mm QFN The DAC5689 allows both complexor real output. An
optional 32-bit NCO/mixerin complex mode provides
APPLICATIONS frequency upconversion and the dual DAC output
• Cellular Base Stations producesa complex Hilbert Transform pair.A digital
Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) Inverse SINC filter compensates for the natural DAC
sin(x)/x frequency roll-off. The digital Quadrature
• WiMAX 802.16Modulator Correction (QMC) feature allows IQ
• Fixed Wireless Backhaul compensationof phase, gain and offsetto maximize
• Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) sideband rejection and minimize LO feed-throughof external quadrature modulator performing the final
single sideband RF up-conversion.
The DAC5689is pin upgradeableto the DAC5688
which includesa clock multiplying PLL. The DAC5689