DAC5652IPFBR ,10 bit 275 MSPS Dual Digital to Analog Converter 48-TQFP -40 to 85 SLAS452C –MARCH 2005–REVISED DECEMBER 2010DEVICE INFORMATION48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37DA9 ..
DAC5652IPFBR ,10 bit 275 MSPS Dual Digital to Analog Converter 48-TQFP -40 to 85BLOCK DIAGRAMWRTB WRTA CLKB CLKADE-MUXIOUTA1Latch A10−b DACIOUTA2DA[9:0]BIASJ_AIOUTB1Latch BDB[9:0] ..
DAC5662AIPFB ,12 bit 275 MSPS Dual Digital to Analog Converter 48-TQFP -40 to 85FEATURES • Package: 48-Pin TQFP• 12-Bit Dual Transmit DACAPPLICATIONS• 275 MSPS Update Rate• Cellul ..
DAC5662IPFB ,12 bit 200 MSPS Dual DACFEATURES APPLICATIONS• Cellular Base Transceiver Station Transmit2• 12-Bit Dual Transmit DACChannel ..
DAC5662IPFBG4 ,12 bit 275 MSPS Dual Digital to Analog Converter 48-TQFP -40 to 85The DAC5662 has been specifically designed for a differential transformer coupled output with a 50- ..
DAC5670IGDJ ,14-Bit, 2.4 GSPS Digital-to-Analog Convert 252-BGA -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe DAC5670 is a 14-bit 2.4-GSPS digital-to-analog1• 14-Bit Resolutionconvert ..
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10 bit 275 MSPS Dual Digital to Analog Converter
www.ti.com SLAS452C –MARCH 2005–REVISED DECEMBER 2010
Checkfor Samples: DAC5652
1FEATURES • Power-Down Mode:9 mW 10-Bit Dual Transmit Digital-to-Analog • Package: 48-Pin Thin-Quad Flat Pack (TQFP)
Converter (DAC)
APPLICATIONS• 275 MSPS Update Rate Cellular Base Transceiver Station Transmit• Single Supply: 3.0Vto 3.6V Channel• High Spurious-Free Dynamic Range (SFDR): – CDMA: W-CDMA, CDMA2000, IS-9580 dBcat5 MHz – TDMA: GSM, IS-136, EDGE/UWC-136• High Third-Order Two-Tone Intermodulation • Medical/Test Instrumentation(IMD3): 78 dBcat 15.1 MHz and 16.1 MHz • Arbitrary Waveform Generators (ARB)• Independentor Single Resistor Gain Control • Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)• Dualor Interleaved Data • Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)• On-Chip 1.2-V Reference Low Power: 290 mW
DESCRIPTIONThe DAC5652isa monolithic, dual-channel, 10-bit, high-speed DAC with on-chip voltage reference.
Operating with update ratesof up to 275 MSPS, the DAC5652 offers exceptional dynamic performance,
tight-gain, and offset matching characteristics that makeit suitable in either I/Q baseband or direct IF
communication applications.
Each DAC hasa high-impedance, differential-current output, suitable for single-ended or differential
analog-output configurations. External resistors allow scalingof the full-scale output current for each DAC
separately or together, typically between2 mA and 20 mA. An accurate on-chip voltage referenceis
temperature-compensated and deliversa stable 1.2-V reference voltage. Optionally, an external reference may used.
The DAC5652 has two, 10-bit, parallel input ports with separate clocks and data latches. For flexibility, the
DAC5652 also supports multiplexed datafor each DACon one port when operatingin the interleaved mode.
The DAC5652 has been specifically designed fora differential transformer-coupled output witha 50-Ω Fora 20-mA full-scale output current, botha 4:1 impedance ratio (resultinginan output impedance ratio transformer (–2 dBm output power) are supported. TQFP package. Pin compatibility between family members provides 10-bit and 14-bit (DAC5672) resolution. Furthermore, the DAC5652is pin compatibletois characterized over the industrial temperature