DAC1219LCJ-1 ,12-Bit Binary Multiplying D/A ConverterFeaturesscale adjustment procedures as opposed to the impracticalYLinearity specified with zero and ..
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12-Bit Binary Multiplying D/A Converter
December 1994
12-Bit Binary Multiplying D/A Converter
General Description
The DAC1218andthe DAC1219are 12-bit binary, 4-quad-
rant multiplyingDtoA converters.The linearity, differential
non-linearityand monotonicity specificationsfor these con-
vertersareall guaranteed over temperature.In addition,
these parametersare specifiedwith standard zeroandfull-
scale adjustment proceduresas opposedtothe impractical
bestfit straightline guarantee.
This levelof precisionis achieved thoughthe useofan
advanced silicon-chromium (SiCr) R-2R resistor laddernet-
work. This typeof thin-film resistor eliminatesthe parasitic
diode problems associated with diffused resistors andal-
lowsthe applied reference voltageto range from b25Vto
25V, independentofthe logic supply voltage.
CMOS current switches and drive circuitryare usedto
achievelow power consumption(20 mW typical)and mini-
mize output leakage current errors (10nA maximum).
Unique digital input circuitry maintainsTTL compatible input
threshold voltages overthefull operating supply voltage
The DAC1218 and DAC1219are direct replacementsfor
the AD7541 series, AD7521 series,and AD7531 serieswith significant improvementinthe linearity specification.In
applications where direct interfaceoftheDtoA converterto microprocessor busis desirable, the DAC1208 and
DAC1230 series eliminatethe needfor additional interface
Features Linearity specified with zeroand full-scale adjust only Logic inputs which meet TTL voltage level specs (1.4V
logic threshold) Works with g10V referenceÐfull 4-quadrant
multiplicationAll parts guaranteed 12-bit monotonic
Key Specifications Current Settling Time 1ms Resolution 12Bits Linearity (Guaranteed 12 Bits (DAC1218)
over temperature) 11 Bits (DAC1219) Gain Tempco 1.5 ppm/§C Low Power Dissipation 20 mW Single Power Supply 5 VDCto15 VDC
Typical Application
VOUT ebVREF#A2A3...A12
where:ANe1if digital inputishighe0if digitalinputislow
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Ordering Information
Temperature Range 0§Cto a70§C b40§Cto a85§C Package Outline
Non 0.012% DAC1218LCJ-1 DAC1218LCJ J18A Cerdip
Linearity 0.024% DAC1219LCJ J18A Cerdip
BI-FETTM isatrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorp.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.