DAC1232LCWM ,DAC1231/DAC1232 12-Bit/ mP Compatible/Double-Buffered D to A ConvertersFeaturesYLinearity specified with zero and full-scale adjust onlyThe DAC1208 and the DAC1230 series ..
DAC1232LCWMX ,DAC1208/DAC1209/DAC1210/DAC1230/DAC1231/DAC1232 12-Bit, Microprocessor Compatible, Double Buffered D/A ConverterFeaturesYLinearity specified with zero and full-scale adjust onlyThe DAC1208 and the DAC1230 series ..
DAC1232LIN ,DAC1231/DAC1232 12-Bit/ mP Compatible/Double-Buffered D to A ConvertersMICRO-DACDAC1208/DAC1209/DAC1210/DAC1230/DAC1231/DAC123212-Bit,mPCompatible,Double-BufferedDtoAConv ..
DAC1265LCJ ,+/-18 V, hi-speed 12-bit D/A converter with referenceElectrical Characteristics VsupPLy= i 15V , 5% unless otherwise noted. Boldface Ilmlla apply over ( ..
DAC1266LCJ ,0 V to -18 V, hi-speed 12-bit D/A converterFeatures
I Bipolar current output DAC
I Fully differential, non-saturating precision current sw ..
DAC128S085CIMT/NOPB ,12-Bit Micro Power OCTAL Digital-to-Analog Converter with Rail-to-Rail Outputs 16-TSSOP -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe DAC128S085 is a full-featured, general-purpose1• Ensured MonotonicityOCTA ..
DL5233 , 500 mW Zener Diode 2.4 to 200 Volts
DL5234 , 500 mW Zener Diode 2.4 to 200 Volts
DL5235 , 500 mW Zener Diode 2.4 to 200 Volts
DL5235B , ZENER DIODES Voltage: 2.4-56V P e a k Pulse Power: 500mW Glass passivated junction
DL5236 , 500 mW Zener Diode 2.4 to 200 Volts
DL5237 , 500 mW Zener Diode 2.4 to 200 Volts
DAC1231/DAC1232 12-Bit/ mP Compatible/Double-Buffered D to A Converters
February 1995
MICRO-DACTM DAC1208/DAC1209/DAC1210/DAC1230/
DAC1231/DAC1232 12-Bit, mP Compatible,
Double-BufferedD toA Converters
General Description
The DAC1208andthe DAC1230 seriesare 12-bit multiply-
ingDtoA converters designedto interface directly witha
wide varietyof microprocessors (8080, 8048, 8085, Z-80,
etc.). Double buffering input registers and associated con-
trol lines allow these DACsto appearasa two-byte ‘‘stack’’the system’s memoryorI/O space withno additionalin-
terfacing logic required.
The DAC1208 series providesall12 input linesto allowsin-
gle bufferingfor maximum throughput when usedwith 16-bit
processors. These input linescan alsobe externally config-
uredto permitan 8-bit data interface.The DAC1230 series
canbe used withan 8-bit databus directlyasit internally
formulatesthe 12-bit DAC data fromits8 input lines.Allof
these DACs accept left-justified data fromthe processor.
The analog sectionisa precision silicon-chromium (Si-Cr)
R-2R ladder network and twelve CMOS current switches. inverted R-2R ladder structureis used withthe binary
weighted currents switched betweenthe IOUT1 and IOUT2
maintaininga constant currentin each ladderleg indepen-
dentofthe switch state. Special circuitry provides TTL logic
input voltage level compatibility.
The DAC1208 series and DAC1230 seriesarethe 12-bit
membersofa familyof microprocessor compatible DACs
(MICRO-DACsTM).For applications requiring other resolu-
tions,the DAC1000 seriesfor 10-bit and DAC0830 series
for 8-bitare available alternatives.
Features Linearity specified with zeroand full-scale adjust only Direct interfacetoall popular microprocessors Double-buffered, single-bufferedor flow through digital
data inputs Logic inputs which meet TTL voltage level specs (1.4V
logic threshold) Works with g10V referenceÐfull 4-quadrant
multiplication Operates stand-alone (withoutmP)if desiredAll parts guaranteed 12-bit monotonic DAC1230 seriesispin compatible withthe DAC0830
series 8-bit MICRO-DACs
Key Specifications Current Settling Time 1ms Resolution 12Bits Linearity (Guaranteed
over temperature) 10,11,or12BitsofFS Gain Tempco 1.3 ppm/§C Low Power Dissipation 20 mW Single Power Supply 5 VDCto15 VDC
Typical Application
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorp.
MICRO-DACTMisa trademarkof National SemiconductorCorp.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.