CY7C346-30NC ,USE ULTRA37000TM FOR ALL NEW DESIGNS(128-Macrocell MAX EPLD)applications, from replacement of largeamounts of 7400-series TTL logic, to complex controllers and
CY7C346-30NC ,USE ULTRA37000TM FOR ALL NEW DESIGNS(128-Macrocell MAX EPLD)FeaturesLABs, 16 per LAB. There are 256 expander product terms, 32• 128 macrocells in eight logic a ..
CY7C346-35JC ,USE ULTRA37000TM FOR ALL NEW DESIGNS(128-Macrocell MAX EPLD)Functional Descriptionmultifunction chips. With greater than 25 times the functionalityof 20-pin PL ..
CY7C346-35JI ,USE ULTRA37000TM FOR ALL NEW DESIGNS(128-Macrocell MAX EPLD)Functional Descriptionmultifunction chips. With greater than 25 times the functionalityof 20-pin PL ..
CY7C346-35NC ,USE ULTRA37000TM FOR ALL NEW DESIGNS(128-Macrocell MAX EPLD)TMUSE ULTRA37000 FORCY7C346ALL NEW DESIGNS®128-Macrocell MAX EPLDThe 128 macrocells in the CY7C346 ..
CY7C346-35NI ,USE ULTRA37000TM FOR ALL NEW DESIGNS(128-Macrocell MAX EPLD)TMUSE ULTRA37000 FORCY7C346ALL NEW DESIGNS®128-Macrocell MAX EPLDThe 128 macrocells in the CY7C346 ..
Compact-type integrated system components, separate-type system components, tuners, c ..
D800BT90VF , 8 Megabit (1 M x 8-Bit/512 K x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation Flash Memory