CY7C1041D-10ZSXI ,4-Mbit (256 K ?16) Static RAMfeaturesdisabled (BHE, BLE HIGH), or during a write operation (CE LOW,and WE LOW). Available in Pb- ..
CY7C1041D-10ZSXI ,4-Mbit (256 K ?16) Static RAMFeatures 0 7specified on the address pins (A through A ). If Byte High0 17Enable (BHE) is LOW, then ..
CY7C1041DV3.3-10ZSXI ,4-Mbit (256 K ?16) Static RAMCY7C1041DV334-Mbit (256 K × 16) Static RAM4-Mbit (256 K × 16) Static RAM
CY7C1041DV33 , 4-Mbit (256 K × 16) Static RAM
CY7C1041DV33-10BVI ,4-Mbit (256 K ?16) Static RAMfeatures(BHE, BLE HIGH), or during a write operation (CE LOW and WE Available in Pb-free 48-ball VF ..
CY7C1041DV33-10BVXI ,4-Mbit (256 K ?16) Static RAMfeatures(BHE, BLE HIGH), or during a write operation (CE LOW and WE Available in Pb-free 48-ball VF ..
D31A5100 ,relais - DUAL IN LINE REED RELAY / 1 normally open contact
D31B5100 ,relais - DUAL IN LINE REED RELAY / 1 normally closed contact
D32-02 , FX2 Relay
D320GT70VI , 32 Megabit (4 M x 8-Bit/2 M x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation Flash Memory
D320GT70VI , 32 Megabit (4 M x 8-Bit/2 M x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation Flash Memory
D3213 , FX2 Relay