CY2287PVC-1 ,100-MHz Spread Spectrum Clock Synthesizer/Driver with USB, Hublink, and SDRAM Supportfeatures Supports mobile systems2I C™ Interface Dynamic output control Low skew and low jitter ou ..
CY2291F ,Three-PLL General Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock Generatorfeatures to meet the diverse ically 10 µ A. After leaving shutdown mode, the PLLs will haveclock ge ..
CY2291FI ,Three-PLL General Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock GeneratorFeatures BenefitsThree integrated phase-locked loops Generates up to 3 custom frequencies from exte ..
CY2291FX ,Three-PLL General Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock GeneratorBlock Diagram32XIN32K OSC.32XOUTXTALINOSC. XBUFXTALOUTCPLL/1,2,4(8 BIT) CPUCLKS0S1 CLKAS2/SUSPENDUP ..
CY2292F ,Three-PLL General-Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock GeneratorFeatureson Cypress’s web site at www.cypress.com.The SHUTDOWN/OE input three-states the outputs whe ..
CY2292FI ,Three-PLL General-Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock Generatorfeatures to meet theThese are the reference oscillator, and three Phase-Lockeddiverse clock generat ..
CY7C474-15JC ,32K x 9 FIFO, with programmable flags, 15nsCharacteristics Over the Operating Range7C470–15 7C470–20 7C470–257C472–15 7C472–20 7C472–257C474–1 ..
CY7C474-40JC ,32K x 9 FIFO, with programmable flags, 40ns
CY7C4801-10AC ,Memory : FIFOsFunctional Descriptionstates are updated exclusively by (WCLKA,WCLKB) The syn-The CY7C48X1 are Doub ..
CY7C4801-15AC ,256 x 9 x 2 Double Sync FIFOFeaturesoutput ports that are controlled by separate clock and enable• Double high speed, low power ..
CY7C4801-15AI , 256/512/1K/2K/4K/8K x9 x2 Double Sync FIFOs
CY7C4801-25AC ,Memory : FIFOsfeatures include Almost Full/Almost Empty flags. These FIFOs2001V, and latch-up is prevented by the ..