CS2001 ,1.2A Switching Regulator, and 5.0 V 100mA Linear Regulator with RESETbarELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (8.0 V ≤ V ≤ 16 V, 8.0 V ≤ VER ≤ 25 V, 1.0 mA ≤ I ≤ 100 mA, BAT V(OUT) ..
CS2001YDWF20 , 1.2 A Switching Regulator, and 5.0 V, 100 mA Linear Regulator with RESET
CS2082EDW20 ,Dual Airbag Deployment ASICELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (4.75 V < V < 5.25 V, 8.0 V < V < 30 V, 9.0 V < V < 18 V,CC ..
CS2082EDWR20 ,Dual Airbag Deployment ASICELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (4.75 V < V < 5.25 V, 8.0 V < V < 30 V, 9.0 V < V < 18 V,CC RES BAT–40 ..
CS212 , Security Detector Serial-Addressable Receiver/Transmitter
CS212 , Security Detector Serial-Addressable Receiver/Transmitter
CX74038-12 , 2.6 GHz/800 MHz Dual Fractional-N/lnteger-N Frequency Synthesizer
CX74038-12 , 2.6 GHz/800 MHz Dual Fractional-N/lnteger-N Frequency Synthesizer
CX74063-26 , RF Transceiver for Multi-Band GSM, GPRS, and EDGE Applications with Power Ramping Controller and Integrated Crystal Oscillator with 26 MHz Output
CX74063-35 , RF Transceiver with Power Ramping Controller and Integrated Crystal Oscillator with 13 MHz Output for Multi-Band GSM, GPRS, and EDGE Applications
1.2A Switching Regulator, and 5.0 V 100mA Linear Regulator with RESETbar
1.2 A Switching Regulator,
and 5.0 V , 100 mA Linear
Regulator with RESET
The CS2001 is a smart power supply ASIC utilized in automotive
airbag systems. It contains a current–mode switching regulator with a
1.2 A on–chip switch and a 5.0 V , 100 mA linear regulator. The linear
output capacitor must be 3.3 μF or greater with an ESR in the range of
100 mΩ to 1.0 Ω. If the ESR of the cap is less than 100 mΩ, a series
resistor must be used. The switcher can be configured in either a boost
or flyback topology. The boost topology produces energy reserve
voltage VER which is externally adjustable (25 V maximum) through
the resistor divider connected to the VFB pin. In the event of fault
conditions that produce VFB either open or shorted, the switcher is
shut down.
Under normal operating conditions (VBAT > 8.0 V), the current
loading on the linear regulator is directed through VBAT. A low battery
or loss of battery condition switches the supply for the linear regulator
from VBAT to VER and shuts down the switcher using the ASIC’s
internal “smartswitch.” This switchover feature minimizes the power
dissipation in both the linear and switcher output devices and saves the
cost of using a larger inductor.
The NERD (No Energy Reserve Detected) pin is a dual function
output. If VOUT is not in regulation, it provides a Power On Reset
function whose time interval is externally adjustable with the
capacitor. This interval can be seen on the RESETB pin, which allows
for clean power–up and power–down of the microprocessor. Once
VOUT is in regulation, the logic level of the NERD output (usually
low) indicates to the microprocessor whether or not the VER pin is
A switched–capacitor voltage tripler accepts input voltage VER and
produces output voltage VCHG (typically VER + 8.0 V). This voltage
is used in the system to drive high–side FETs.
This part is capable of withstanding a 50 V peak transient voltage.
The linear regulator will not shut down during this event.
Features• Linear Regulator 5.0 V ±2% @ 100 mA Switching Regulator 1.2 A Peak Internal Switch Voltage Tripler Smart Functions Smartswitch RESET Energy Reserve Status Protection Overtemperature Current Limit 50 V Peak Transient Capability