COP8SAB5 ,8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with 1k to 4k Memory, Power On Reset, and Very Small Packagingapplications, since program memorymemory to the CPU. This instruction can be used for tableis usual ..
COP8SAB720M9 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 2k Memory, 128 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]features including low EMI. These2.7V to 5.5V operation, and 16/20/28/40/44 pin packages.single-chi ..
COP8SAB720M9 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 2k Memory, 128 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]features include an 8-bit memory mapped architecture,tions are of the single byte variety, resultin ..
COP8SAB720N8 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 2k Memory, 128 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]Features— Crystal/Resonator optionsn Low cost 8-bit OTP microcontroller— Crystal/Resonator option w ..
COP8SAB720N8 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 2k Memory, 128 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]Featuresn Versatile easy to use instruction set n Software selectable I/O options®— TRI-STATE Outpu ..
COP8SAB728M8 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 2k Memory, 128 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]COP8SA Family, 8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontrollerwith 1k to 4k Me ..
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8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with 1k to 4k Memory, Power On Reset, and Very Small Packaging
COP8SA Family
8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and One-Time Programmable
(OTP) Microcontroller with 1k to 4k Memory, Power On
Reset, and Very Small Packaging
General Description
Note: COP8SAx devices are instructionset and pin com-
patible supersetsofthe COP800 Family devices, and are
replacementsfor thesein new designs when possible.The COPSAx Rom based and OTP microcontrollers are
highly integrated COP8™ feature core devices, with1kto4k
memory and advanced features including low EMI. These
single-chip CMOS devices are suitedfor low cost applica-
tions requiringafull featured controller, low EMI, and POR.
100% form-fit-function compatible OTP versions are avail-
able with1k,2k, and4k memory, andina varietyof pack-
ages including 28-pin CSP. Erasable windowed versions are
availablefor use witha rangeof COP8 software and hard-
ware development tools.
Family features includean 8-bit memory mapped architec-
ture,10 MHz CKI with1μs instruction cycle, one multi-
function 16-bit timer/counter with PWM output,
MICROWIRE/PLUS™ serial I/O, two power saving HALT/
IDLE modes, MIWU, idle timer, on-chip R/C oscillator,12
high current outputs, user selectable options (WATCH-
DOG™,4 clock/oscillator modes, power-on-reset), low EMI
2.7Vto 5.5V operation, and 16/20/28/40/44pin packages.
Devices includedin this datasheet are:
Device Memory
I/O Pins Packages TemperatureCOP8SAA5 1k ROM 64 12/16/24 16/20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP 0to +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAB5 2k ROM 128 16/24 20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP 0to +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAC5 4k ROM 128 16/24/36/40 20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP, DIP,44 PLCC/QFPto +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAA7 1k OTP EPROM 64 12/16/24 16/20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP 0to +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAB7 2k OTP EPROM 128 16/24 20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP 0to +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAC7 4k OTP EPROM 128 16/24 20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP, DIP,44 PLCC/QFPto +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAC7-Q3 4k EPROM 128 16/24/36 20/28/40 DIP Room Temp. Only
COP8SAC7-J3 4k EPROM 128 40 44 PLCC Room Temp. Only
Key Features Low cost 8-bit OTP microcontroller OTP program space with read/write protection (fully
secured) Quiet Design (low radiated emissions) Multi-Input Wakeup pins with optional interruptsto8 pins)8 bytesof user storage spacein EPROM User selectable clock options Crystal/Resonator options Crystal/Resonator option with on-chip bias resistor External oscillator Internal R/C oscillator Internal Power-On Reset —user selectable WATCHDOG and Clock Monitor Logic—user selectable Upto12 high current outputs
PRELIMINARYNovember 2000