COP8SAA716M8 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]COP8SA Family, 8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontrollerwith 1k to 4k Me ..
COP8SAA7-16M8 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]applications, since program memorymemory to the CPU. This instruction can be used for tableis usual ..
COP8SAA716M9 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]General Descriptionture, 10 MHz CKI with 1 μs instruction cycle, one multi-Note: COP8SAx devices ar ..
COP8SAA7-16M9 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]Features— Crystal/Resonator optionsn Low cost 8-bit OTP microcontroller— Crystal/Resonator option w ..
COP8SAA716N8 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]features and functionality into theties), two power saving HALT/IDLE modes with amicrocontroller pr ..
COP8SAA716N9 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]Features0˚C to +70˚C, −40˚C to +85˚C, and −40˚C to +125˚Cn Multi-Input Wakeup Logicn One 16-bit tim ..
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8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 4k Memory, 128 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging
COP8SA Family
8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and One-Time Programmable
(OTP) Microcontroller with 1k to 4k Memory, Power On
Reset, and Very Small Packaging
General Description
Note: COP8SAx devices are instructionset and pin com-
patible supersetsofthe COP800 Family devices, and are
replacementsfor thesein new designs when possible.The COPSAx Rom based and OTP microcontrollers are
highly integrated COP8™ feature core devices, with1kto4k
memory and advanced features including low EMI. These
single-chip CMOS devices are suitedfor low cost applica-
tions requiringafull featured controller, low EMI, and POR.
100% form-fit-function compatible OTP versions are avail-
able with1k,2k, and4k memory, andina varietyof pack-
ages including 28-pin CSP. Erasable windowed versions are
availablefor use witha rangeof COP8 software and hard-
ware development tools.
Family features includean 8-bit memory mapped architec-
ture,10 MHz CKI with1μs instruction cycle, one multi-
function 16-bit timer/counter with PWM output,
MICROWIRE/PLUS™ serial I/O, two power saving HALT/
IDLE modes, MIWU, idle timer, on-chip R/C oscillator,12
high current outputs, user selectable options (WATCH-
DOG™,4 clock/oscillator modes, power-on-reset), low EMI
2.7Vto 5.5V operation, and 16/20/28/40/44pin packages.
Devices includedin this datasheet are:
Device Memory
I/O Pins Packages TemperatureCOP8SAA5 1k ROM 64 12/16/24 16/20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP 0to +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAB5 2k ROM 128 16/24 20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP 0to +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAC5 4k ROM 128 16/24/36/40 20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP, DIP,44 PLCC/QFPto +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAA7 1k OTP EPROM 64 12/16/24 16/20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP 0to +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAB7 2k OTP EPROM 128 16/24 20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP 0to +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAC7 4k OTP EPROM 128 16/24 20/28 DIP/SOIC,28 CSP, DIP,44 PLCC/QFPto +70˚C, -40to +85˚C,
-40to +125˚C
COP8SAC7-Q3 4k EPROM 128 16/24/36 20/28/40 DIP Room Temp. Only
COP8SAC7-J3 4k EPROM 128 40 44 PLCC Room Temp. Only
Key Features Low cost 8-bit OTP microcontroller OTP program space with read/write protection (fully
secured) Quiet Design (low radiated emissions) Multi-Input Wakeup pins with optional interruptsto8 pins)8 bytesof user storage spacein EPROM User selectable clock options Crystal/Resonator options Crystal/Resonator option with on-chip bias resistor External oscillator Internal R/C oscillator Internal Power-On Reset —user selectable WATCHDOG and Clock Monitor Logic—user selectable Upto12 high current outputs
PRELIMINARYNovember 2000