COP8SAA7 ,8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) MicrocontrollerFeaturesÐ Crystal/Resonator option with on-chip bias resistorYSoftware selectable I/O optionsÐ Exte ..
COP8SAA716M7 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]features and functionality into theties), two power saving HALT/IDLE modes with amicrocontroller pr ..
COP8SAA716M8 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]COP8SA Family, 8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontrollerwith 1k to 4k Me ..
COP8SAA7-16M8 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]applications, since program memorymemory to the CPU. This instruction can be used for tableis usual ..
COP8SAA716M9 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]General Descriptionture, 10 MHz CKI with 1 μs instruction cycle, one multi-Note: COP8SAx devices ar ..
COP8SAA7-16M9 ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 1k Memory, 64 RAM, Power On Reset (POR), and Very Small Packaging [Life-time buy]Features— Crystal/Resonator optionsn Low cost 8-bit OTP microcontroller— Crystal/Resonator option w ..
CSM ,Current Sense Power Metal Strip Resistor 2-200 mili ohms, 1 to wattsRevision 29-Apr-03 N1Percent of Rated PowerCSM®Vishay Foil Resistors Bulk Metal TechnologyHigh Prec ..
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8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller
September 1996
8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller
1.0 General Description
The COPSAx7 OTP microcontrollersare membersofthe
COP8TM feature family usingan 8-bit single chip core archi-
tecture. These devicesare fabricatedin National Semicon-
ductor’s high-density EPROM process,and offeredonava-
rietyof packages, temperature ranges and voltage ranges satisfya wide varietyof applications.
Key features includean 8-bit memory mapped architecture, 16-bit timer/counter withtwo associated 16-bit registers
supporting three modes (Processor Independent PWM gen-
eration, External Event counter,and Input Capture capabili-
ties), two power saving HALT/IDLE modes witha multi-
sourced wakeup/interrupt capability, on-chip R/C oscillator,
high current outputs, user selectable options suchas
WATCHDOGTM, Oscillator configuration, and power-on-re-
1.2 KEYFEATURES Low cost 8-bit OTP microcontroller OTP program space with read/write protection Quiet Design (low radiated emissions) Multi-Input Wakeup pins with optional interruptsto8 pins)8 bytesof user storage spacein EPROM User selectable clock options Crystal/Resonator options Crystal/Resonator option with on-chip bias resistor External oscillator Internal R/C oscillator Internal Power-On ResetÐuser selectable WATCHDOGand Clock Monitor LogicÐuser selectableUpto12 high current outputs
Package Number
Types ofI/O
COP8SAC7 4k 128 20 DIP/SO 16 DIP/SO 24DIP 36 PLCC/PQFP 40
COP8SAB7 2k 128 20 DIP/SO 16 DIP/SO 24
COP8SAA7 1k 64 16 DIP/SO 12 DIP/SO 16 DIP/SO 24
1.2.1CPU Features Versatile easytouse instructionset1ms instruction cycle time Eight multi-source vectored interrupts servicing External interruptIdle TimerT0 One Timer (with2 interrupts) MICROWIRE/PLUSTM Serial Interface Multi-Input WakeUp Software Trap DefaultVIS (default interrupt) 8-bit Stack PointerSP (stackin RAM) Two 8-bit Register Indirect Data Memory Pointers Truebit manipulation Memory mappedI/O BCD arithmetic instructions
1.2.2PeripheralFeatures Multi-Input Wakeup Logic One 16-bit timer withtwo 16-bit registers supporting: Processor Independent PWM mode External Event counter mode Input Capture mode Idle Timer MICROWIRE/PLUS Serial Interface (SPI Compatible)
1.2.3I/OFeatures Software selectableI/O options TRI-STATEÉ Output Push-Pull Output WeakPullUp Input High Impedance Input Schmitt trigger inputson portsGandLUPto12 high current outputsPin efficient (i.e.,40 pinsin 44-pin packageare devoted useful I/O)
1.2.4Fully Static CMOSDesign Low current drain (typicallyk4 mA) Single supply operation: 2.7Vto 5.5V Two power saving modes: HALT and IDLE
0§Cto a70§C, b40§Cto a85§C,and b40§Cto a125§C
1.2.6Development Support Windowed packagesforDIPand PLCC Real time emulation andfull program debug offeredby
MetaLink Development System
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
MICROWIRE/PLUSTM, COP8TM,MICROWIRETMand WATCHDOGTM aretrademarksof National Semiconductor Corporation.
iceMASTERTMisa trademarkof MetaLink Corporation.
PCÉ isaregistered trademarkof InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M96/Printed inU.S.A. http://