COP8ACC728M8-RE ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 16k Memory and High Resolution A/Dapplications requiring a full featured controller with a highHALT/IDLE modes, MIWU, high current ou ..
COP8ACC728M8-XE ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 16k Memory and High Resolution A/DFeaturesn Analog Function Block with 12-bit A/D including: n 2.5 μs instruction cycle time— Analog ..
COP8ACC728M9-RE ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 16k Memory and High Resolution A/DGeneral Descriptionture, 4 MHz CKI with 2.5 μs instruction cycle, two externalThe COP8ACC7 OTP (One ..
COP8ACC728M9-XE ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontrollers with 16k Memory and High Resolution A/D [Life-time buy]features including a High-Resolutioncounter, MICROWIRE/PLUS serial I/O, two power savingA/D. These ..
COP8ACC728N8-XE ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 16k Memory and High Resolution A/DFeaturesn 8-bit Stack Pointer (SP) — stack in RAMn Idle Timern Two 8-bit Registers Indirect Data Me ..
COP8ACC728N9-XE ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 16k Memory and High Resolution A/DFeatures n Emulation device for COP8ACC5n Real time emulation and full program debug offered byn So ..
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CSD97370Q5M ,Synchronous Buck NexFET?Power Stage, Vds 30VFEATURES APPLICATIONS• 90% System Efficiency at 25A • Synchronous Buck Converters• Input Voltages u ..
8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 16k Memory and High Resolution A/D
8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 16k Memory and
High Resolution A/D
General DescriptionThe COP8ACC7 OTP(One Time Programmable) microcon-
trollersare highly integrated COP8™ Feature core devices
with16k memoryand advanced features includinga High-
Resolution A/D. This multi-chip CMOS deviceis suitedfor
applications requiringafull featured controller witha high
resolutionA/D (onlyone external capacitor required),andfor
pre-production devicesfora ROM design.Pinand software
compatible (different VCC range)4k ROMversionsare avail-
able(COPACC5). Erasable windowed versionsare available
forusewitha rangeof COP8 softwareand hardware devel-
opment tools.
Family features includean 8-bit memory mapped architec-
ture,4 MHzCKI with2.5μs instruction cycle,two external
clock options (–XE =Crystal; –RE =RC),6 channelA/Dwith
12-bit resolution, analog capture timer, analog current
sourceand VCC/2 reference,one multi-function 16-bit timer/
counter, MICROWIRE/PLUS™ serialI/O,two power saving
HALT/IDLE modes, MIWU, high current outputs, software
selectableI/O options, WATCHDOG™ timerand ClockMoni-
tor, 2.7Vto 5.5V operation, program code security, and
20/28pin packages.
Device includedinthis datasheetis:
Device Memory (bytes) RAM (bytes) I/O Pins Packages TemperatureCOP8ACC7xxx9 16k OTP EPROM 128 15/23 20 SOIC,28 DIP/SOIC 0to +70˚C
COP8ACC7xxx8 16k OTP EPROM 128 15/23 20 SOIC,28 DIP/SOIC -40to +85˚C
Key Features Analog Function Block with 12-bitA/D including: Analog comparatorwith seven input muxes Constant Current Sourceand VCC/2 Reference 16-bit capture timer (upcounter) clocked fromCKI
with auto reseton timer startup Quiet design (reduced radiated emissions) 4096 bytes on-board OTP EPROM with security feature 128 bytes on-board RAM
Additional Peripheral Features Idle Timer One 16-bit timer withtwo 16-bit registers supporting: Processor Independent PWM mode External Event counter mode Input Capture mode Multi-Input Wake-Up (MIWU) with optional interrupts WATCHDOGand clock monitor logic MICROWIRE/PLUS serialI/O with programmable shift
I/O Features Software selectableI/O options (Push-Pull Output, Weak
Pull-Up Input, High Impedance Input) High current outputs Schmitt Trigger inputson portsGandL Packages:28 DIP/SO with23I/O pins20SO with15I/O pins
CPU/Instruction Set Features2.5μs instruction cycle time Eight multi-source vectored interrupt servicing: External InterruptIdle TimerT0 TimerT1 associated Interrupts MICROWIRE/PLUS Multi-Input WakeUp Software Trap DefaultVISA/D (Capture Timer) 8-bit Stack Pointer (SP)—stackin RAM Two 8-bit Registers Indirect Data Memory PointersandX)
Fully Static CMOS Two power saving modes: HALTand IDLE Temperature ranges:0˚Cto +70˚C, −40˚Cto +85˚C Available with Crystal (-XE)orR/C (-RE) oscillator
Development System Emulation devicefor COP8ACC5 Real time emulationandfull program debug offeredby
MetaLink® development system
Applications Battery Chargers Appliances Data Acquisition systems
Driveway™isatrademark ofAisys Intelligent Systems.
COP8™,MICROWIRE™, MICROWIRE/PLUS™,andWATCHDOG™are trademarksof National SemiconductorCorporation.
TRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
iceMASTER®isa registeredtrademark ofMetaLink Corporation.
May 1999
A/D 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012869