COP87L88RGV-XE ,8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with 32 Kbytes of Program MemoryFeaturesYEmulation device for the COP888EG, COP888GG andYMemory mapped I/OCOP888HGYSoftware selecta ..
COP87L88RGV-XE ,8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with 32 Kbytes of Program MemoryCOP87L88RG8-BitOne-TimeProgrammable(OTP)Microcontrollerwith32KbytesofProgramMemoryPRELIMINARYSeptem ..
COP888EG ,8-Bit Microcontrollers with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers
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8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with 32 Kbytes of Program Memory
September 1996
8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with Kbytes of Program Memory
General Description
The COP87L88RGisa memberofthe COP8TM OTP micro-
controller family.Itispin and software compatibletothe
mask ROM COP888GG product family.
Key Features Full duplex UART Three 16-bit timers, each withtwo 16-bit registers
supporting: Processor independent PWM mode External event counter mode Input capture mode32 kbytes on-board EPROM with security feature
Note: Mask ROMed deviceswith equivalent on-chip featuresandpro-
gram memorysizesof 4k,8k,16k,20k,and 24kare available(see
TableI). 512 bytes on-board RAM
Additional Peripheral Features Idle timer Multi-Input WakeUp (MIWU) with optional interrupts(8) Two analog comparators WATCHDOGTM and clock monitor logic MICROWIRE/PLUSTM serialI/O
I/O Features Memory mappedI/O Software selectable I/O options (TRI-STATEÉ output,
push-pull output, weak pull-up input, high impedancein-
put Schmitt trigger inputson portsGandL Packages:44 PLCC with40I/O pins40DIP with36I/O pins
CPU/Instruction Set Features1ms instruction cycle time Fourteen multi-source vectored interrupts servicing External interruptIdle timerT0 Two timers (each with2 interrupts) MICROWIRE/PLUS Multi-Input WakeUp Software trap UART(2) DefaultVIS (default interrupt) Versatile instructionset with truebit manipulation 8-bit Stack PointerSP (stackin RAM) Two 8-bit register indirect data memory pointersandX)
Fully Static CMOS Two power saving modes: HALT and IDLE Single supply operation: 2.7V–5.5V Temperature range: b40§Cto a85§C
Development Support Emulation deviceforthe COP888EG, COP888GG and
COP888HG Real time emulation andfull program debug offeredby
MetaLink Development System
Block Diagram
FIGURE1. BlockDiagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
COP8TM, MICROWIRETM,MICROWIRE/PLUSTMand WATCHDOGTM aretrademarksof National Semiconductor Corporation.
iceMASTERTMisa trademarkof MetaLink Corporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M106/Printed inU.S.A. http://