COP87L88GGN-XE ,8-Bit One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function TimersFeaturesn Multi-Input Wakeup (on the 8-bit Port L) n 1 μs instruction cycle timen Analog comparator ..
COP87L88GGV-XE ,8-Bit One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function TimersBlock DiagramPinouts for 28-Pin SO PackageConnection DiagramsPort Pin Type Alt. Function 28-Pin SOG ..
COP87L88RGV-XE ,8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with 32 Kbytes of Program MemoryFeaturesYEmulation device for the COP888EG, COP888GG andYMemory mapped I/OCOP888HGYSoftware selecta ..
COP87L88RGV-XE ,8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller with 32 Kbytes of Program MemoryCOP87L88RG8-BitOne-TimeProgrammable(OTP)Microcontrollerwith32KbytesofProgramMemoryPRELIMINARYSeptem ..
COP888EG ,8-Bit Microcontrollers with UART and Three Multi-Function Timers
COP8ACC720M8-RE ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontroller with 16k Memory and High-Resolution A/Dapplications requiring a full featured controller with a highHALT/IDLE modes, MIWU, high current ou ..
CSD17305Q5A ,30V N Channel NexFET?Power MOSFETMAXIMUM RATINGST = 25°C unless otherwise stated VALUE UNITADESCRIPTIONV Drain to Source Voltage 30 ..
CSD17307Q5A ,30V N Channel NexFET?Power MOSFETMAXIMUM RATINGST = 25°C unless otherwise stated VALUE UNITADESCRIPTIONV Drain to Source Voltage 30 ..
CSD17308Q3 ,30V N-Channel NexFET? Power MOSFET 8-VSON-CLIP -55 to 150Electrical Characteristics(T = 25°C unless otherwise stated)APARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX ..
CSD17310Q5A ,30V N Channel NexFET?Power MOSFETMAXIMUM RATINGS• Optimized for Synchronous FET ApplicationsT = 25°C unless otherwise stated VALUE U ..
CSD17313Q2 ,30V N Channel NexFET?Power MOSFETMaximum Ratingsgate drive applications. The 2-mm × 2-mm SONT = 25°C VALUE UNITAoffers excellent the ..
CSD17507Q5A ,30V N-Channel High Side NexFET Power MOSFET with 20 Volt VgsMaximum Ratingslosses in power conversion applications.T = 25°C (unless otherwise stated) VALUE UNI ..
8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontrollers with 16k or 32k Memory and 8-Channel A/D with Prescaler
COP87LxxCJ/RJ Family
8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontrollers with 4k or 32k Memory
and Comparator
General DescriptionThe COP87LxxCJ/RJ Family OTP (One Time Program-
mable) microcontrollersare integrated COP8™ Base core
devices with4kor32k memory,andan Analog comparator
(no brownout). These multi-chip CMOS devicesare suited
for lower-functionality applications, andas pre-production
devicesfora ROM design. Low cost,pinand software com-
patible (plus Brownout)1kor2k ROM versionsare available
(COP820CJ/840CJ Family). Versionsare availableforuse
witha rangeof COP8 softwareand hardware development
Family features includean 8-bit memory mapped architec-
ture,10 MHzCKI with1μs instruction cycle, three clockop-
tions(-1= crystal;-2= external;-3= internal RC),one multi-
function 16-bit timer/counter, MICROWIRE/PLUS™ serial
I/O,one analog comparator, power saving HALT mode with
multi-sourced wakeup/interrupt capability, on-chipR/C oscil-
lator capacitor, high current outputs, software selectableI/O
options, WATCHDOG™ timer, modulator/timer, Poweron
Reset, program code security, 2.7Vto 5.5V operation and
20/28pin packages. this datasheet, the term COP87L20CJ refersto the
COP87L20CJ,and COP87L22CJ. COP840CJ referstothe
COP87L40CJ, COP87L42CJ, COP87L40RJ, and
Devices includedinthis datasheetare:
Device Memory (bytes) RAM (bytes) I/O Pins Packages TemperatureCOP87L20CJ 4k OTP EPROM 64 24 28 DIP/SOIC -40to +85˚C
COP87L22CJ 4k OTP EPROM 64 16 20 DIP/SOIC -40to +85˚C
COP87L40CJ 4k OTP EPROM 128 24 28 DIP/SOIC -40to +85˚C
COP87L42CJ 4k OTP EPROM 128 16 20 DIP/SOIC -40to +85˚C
COP87L40RJ 32k OTP EPROM 128 24 28 DIP/SOIC -40to +85˚C
COP87L42RJ 32k OTP EPROM 128 16 20 DIP/SOIC -40to +85˚C
Key Features Multi-Input Wakeup(onthe 8-bit PortL) Analog comparator Modulator/Timer (high speed PWM timerforIR
transmission) 16-bit multi-function timer supporting PWM mode External event counter mode Input capture mode Integrated capacitorfortheR/C oscillator4or32 kbyte on-board OTP EPROM with security
feature64or128 bytes on-chip RAM
I/O Features Software selectableI/O options (TRI-STATE®, Push-Pull,
Weak Pull-Up Input, High Impedance Input) High current outputs(8 pins) Schmitt trigger inputson PortG MICROWIRE/PLUS serialI/O Packages:20 DIP/SO with16I/O pins28 DIP/SO with24I/O pins
CPU/Instruction Set Features1μs instruction cycle time Three multi-source interrupts servicing External interrupt with selectable edge Timer interrupt Software interrupt Versatileand easytouse instructionset 8-bit stack pointer (SP)—stackin RAM Two 8-bit Register Indirect Data Memory Pointers(Band
Fully Static CMOS Low current drain (typically<1μA) Single supply operation: 2.7Vto 5.5V Temperature range: −40˚Cto +85˚C
Development Support Emulation deviceforthe COP820CJ/COP840CJ Real time emulationandfull program debug offeredby
MetaLink Development Systems
TRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
COP8™,MICROWIRE™, MICROWIRE/PLUS™and WATCHDOG™are trademarksof National SemiconductorCorporation.
iceMASTER®isa registeredtrademark ofMetaLink Corporation.
PRELIMINARYSeptember 1999
Comparator©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012529