COP87L84CFM-XE ,8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontrollers with 16k Memory and A/D Converter [Life-time buy]Featuresn Single supply operation: 2.7V to 5.5Vn Software selectable I/O options (TRI-STATE™Output, ..
COP87L84CLM-XE ,8-Bit One-Time Programmable OTP Microcontrollerapplications re-software selectable options WATCHDOG™ and clock/quiring a full featured controller, ..
COP87L84EGM-XE ,8-Bit Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function TimersFeaturesY a b aTemperature ranges: 0Cto 70 C, 40Cto 85 C,§ § § §YMemory mapped I/Ob a55§Cto 125§CYS ..
COP87L84EGN-XE ,8-Bit Microcontroller with UART and Three Multi-Function TimersFeaturesY a b aTemperature ranges: 0Cto 70 C, 40Cto 85 C,§ § § §YMemory mapped I/Ob55Ctoa125 C§ §YS ..
COP87L88CLN-XE , COP888CL 8-Bit Microcontroller
COP87L88CLV-XE ,8-Bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) Microcontroller [Life-time buy]Featuresn Two power saving modes: HALT and IDLEn Memory mapped I/On Single supply operation: 2.7V–5 ..
CSD16404Q5A ,N-Channel NexFET™ Power MOSFET 8-VSONP -55 to 150MAXIMUM RATINGS• Optimized for Control FET ApplicationsT = 25°C unless otherwise stated VALUE UNITA ..
CSD16406Q3 ,N-Channel NexFET™ Power MOSFET 8-VSON-CLIP -55 to 150Electrical Characteristics(T = 25°C unless otherwise stated)APARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX ..
CSD16407Q5 ,N-Channel NexFET™ Power MOSFET 8-VSON-CLIP -55 to 150MAXIMUM RATINGSThe NexFET™ power MOSFET has been designedT = 25°C unless otherwise stated VALUE UNI ..
CSD16407Q5C ,DualCool? N-Channel NexFET? Power MOSFET 8-VSON-CLIP -55 to 150MAXIMUM RATINGSComputing SystemsT = 25°C unless otherwise stated VALUE UNITA• Optimized for Synchro ..
CSD16408Q5 ,N-Channel NexFET?Power MOSFETMAXIMUM RATINGST = 25°C unless otherwise stated VALUE UNITATop ViewV Drain-to-source voltage 25 VDS ..
CSD16409Q3 ,N-Channel NexFET™ Power MOSFET 8-VSON-CLIP -55 to 150MAXIMUM RATINGS• Optimized for Control FET ApplicationsT = 25°C unless otherwise stated VALUE UNITA ..
8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontrollers with 16k Memory and A/D Converter [Life-time buy]
8-Bit CMOS OTP Microcontrollers with 16k Memory and
A/D Converter
General DescriptionThe COP87L88CF OTP (One Time Programmable) micro-
controllers are highly integrated COP8™ Feature core de-
vices with 16k memory and advanced features includingan
A/D converter. These multi-chip CMOS devices are suited
for applications requiringa full featured controller withan
8-bit A/D converter, andas pre-production devicesfora
masked ROM design. Lower costpin and software compat-
ible 16k ROM versionsare available (COP888CF)as wellas rangeof COP8 software and hardware development tools.
Family features includean 8-bit memory mapped architec-
ture,10 MHz CKI (-XE= crystal oscallator) with1μs instruc-
tion cycle, two multi-function 16-bit timer/counters,
MICROWIRE/PLUS™ serial I/O, one 8-bit/8-channel A/D
converter with prescaler and both differential and single
ended modes, two power saving HALT/IDLE modes, idle
timer, MIWU, high current outputs, software selectable I/O
options, WATCHDOG™ timer and Clock Monitor, 2.7Vto
5.5V operation and 28/40/44pin packages.
Devices includedin this datasheet are:
Device Memory (bytes) RAM (bytes) I/O Pins Packages TemperatureCOP87L84CF 16k OTP EPROM 128 24 28 DIP/SOIC -40to +85˚C
COP87L88CF 16k OTP EPROM 128 36/40 40 DIP,44 PLCC -40to +85˚C
Key Features A/D converter (8-bit, 8-channel, with prescaler and both
differential and single ended modes) Two 16-bit timers, each with two 16-bit registers
supporting: Processor Independent PWM mode External Event counter mode Input Capture mode16 kbytes on-board OTP EPROM with security feature 128 bytes on-board RAM
Additional Peripheral Features Idle Timer Multi-Input WakeUp (MIWU) with optional interrupts(8) WATCHDOG and Clock Monitor logic MICROWIRE/PLUS serialI/O
I/O Features Software selectableI/O options (TRI-STATE™Output,
Push-Pull Output, Weak Pull-Up Input, High Impedance
Input) High current outputs Packages:44 PLCC with38I/O pins40 DIP with34I/O pins28 DIP/SO with22I/O pins Schmitt trigger inputson PortG
CPU/Instruction Set Feature1μs instruction cycle time Ten multi-source vectored interrupts servicing External interrupt with selectable edge Idle TimerT0 Two Timers (Each with2 interrupts) MICROWIRE/PLUS Multi-Input WakeUp Software Trap Default VIS (default interrupt) Versatile and easyto use instructionset 8-bit Stack Pointer (SP)—stackin RAM Two 8-bit Register Indirect Data Memory Pointers(B,X)
Fully Static CMOS Two power saving modes: HALT and IDLE Single supply operation: 2.7Vto 5.5V Temperature ranges: -40˚Cto +85˚C
Development Support Emulation deviceforthe COP888CF/COP884CF Real time emulation andfull program debug offeredby
MetaLink Development System
COP8™isa trademark ofNational Semiconductor Corporation.
MICROWIRE™is atrademarkof National Semiconductor Corporation.
MICROWIRE/PLUS™isa trademarkof National Semiconductor Corporation.
September 1999