COP87L20CJM-3N ,8-Bit Microcontroller with Multi-Input Wake Up and Brown Out DetectorFeaturesYMemory mapped I/OBlockDiagramTL/DD/11208–1FIGURE1.BlockDiagramTRI-STATEÉ is a registered t ..
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8-Bit Microcontroller with Multi-Input Wake Up and Brown Out Detector
September 1996
COP820CJ/COP822CJ/COP823CJ 8-Bit Microcontroller
with Multi-Input Wake Up and Brown Out Detector
General Description
The COP820CJisa memberofthe COP8TM 8-bitMicrocon-
troller family.Itisa fully static Microcontroller, fabricated
using double-metal silicon gate microCMOS technology.
Thislow cost Microcontrollerisa complete microcomputer
containingall system timing, interrupt logic, ROM, RAM,and
I/O necessaryto implementdedicated control functionsina
varietyof applications. Features includean 8-bit memory
mapped architecture, MICROWIRETM serial I/O,a 16-bit
timer/counter with capture register,a multi-sourced inter-
rupt, Comparator, WATCHDOGTM Timer, Modulator/Timer,
Brownout protectionand Multi-Input Wakeup. EachI/Opin
has software selectable optionsto adaptthe devicetothe
specific application. The device operates overa voltage
rangeof 2.5Vto 6.0V. High throughputis achieved withan
efficient, regular instructionset operatingata1msperin-
struction rate.
Key Features Multi-Input WakeUp(onthe 8-bit PortL) Brownout detector Analog comparator Modulator/timer (High speed PWMforIR transmission) 16-bit multi-function timer supporting PWM mode External event counter mode Input capture mode 1024 bytesof ROM64 bytesof RAM
I/O Features Memory mappedI/O Software selectable I/O options (TRI-STATEÉ output,
push-pull output, weak pull-up input, high impedance
input) High current outputs(8 pins) Schmitt trigger inputson PortG MICROWIRE/PLUSTM serialI/O Packages16SO with12I/O pins20 DIP/SO with16I/O pins28 DIP/SO with24I/O pins
CPU/Instruction Set Feature1ms instruction cycle time Three multi-source vectored interrupts servicing External interrupt with selectable edge Timer interrupt Software interrupt Versatileand easytouse instructionset 8-bit Stack Pointer (SP)Ðstackin RAM Two 8-bit register indirect data memory pointers(B,X)
Fully Static CMOS Low current drain (typicallyk1 mA) Single supply operation: 2.5Vto 6.0V Temperature range: b40§Cto a85§C
Development Support Emulationand OTP devices Real time emulation andfull program debug offeredby
MetaLink Development System
Block Diagram
FIGURE1. BlockDiagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
COP8TMMicrocontrollers,MICROWIRETM,MICROWIRE/PLUSTMandWATCHDOGTM aretrademarksof National SemiconductorCorporation.
iceMASTERTMisa trademarkof MetaLink Corporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M106/Printed inU.S.A. http://