CNC7H001 ,Opto-Electronic DeviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 25°Ca9, 11, 13, 15 : Emitter10, 12, 14, 16: CollectorParameter Symbol ..
CNC7H001 ,Opto-Electronic DeviceApplications(1.3)1.27 0.4• Suited for interface circuits requiring high density mounting ofparts, e ..
CNC7H001 ,Opto-Electronic DeviceFeatures• Housed in a surface mount package alternative to mini-flat package10.3±0.3of 1.27 mm pitc ..
CNC7S102 ,OptoisolatorsAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25˚C) 4: CollectorParameter Symbol Ratings UnitForward current (DC) ..
CND0204A ,Opto Electronic Devices This product complies with the RoHS Directive (EU 2002/95/EC).Photo Couplers CND0204AInfrared Opto ..
CND0209A ,Opto Electronic DevicesFeatures Compliant with IrDA Ver.1.2 Light emitting function for remote controller Corresponding ..
CS-8156 ,12 V, 5.0 V Low Dropout Dual Regulator with ENABLEBlock Diagramwill take the output voltage to reach its nominal value.Conversely, if the capacitor i ..
CS8156YTHA5 ,12 V, 5.0 V Low Dropout Dual Regulator with ENABLE3SR003AN/DMost aluminum capacitors are unsuitable for applicationswhere they will be exposed to tem ..
CS8156YTVA5 ,12 V, 5.0 V Low Dropout Dual Regulator with ENABLEblock diagram of a low drop linear regulatorsimply use the one shown in the application diagram of ..
CS8182 ,Micropower 200mA Low Dropout Tracking Regulator/Line DriverFeaturesGND GNDAdjV /ENABLEREF• 200 mA Source Capability• Output Tracks within ±10 mV Worst CaseTab ..
CS8182 ,Micropower 200mA Low Dropout Tracking Regulator/Line Driver3CS8182TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS1816141210864200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200OUTPUT CURRENT (m ..
CS8182YDPS5 ,Micropower 200mA Low Dropout Tracking Regulator/Line DriverELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 14 V; V /ENABLE > 2.75 V; −40°C < T < +125°C; C ≥ 10 F;IN REF J ..