CNA1015 ,Photo InterruptersTransmissive Photosensors (Photo Interrupters)CNA1015Unit : mmPhoto Interrupters14.05.0 Overview5.0 ..
CNA1303K ,Opto-Electronic DeviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25˚C)Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit*1 Input power derating ratio isRe ..
CNA1311K ,Opto-Electronic DeviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25˚C) 2. ( ) Dimension is reference 3. * is dimension at the ..
CNB2B9ZTTE103J , bussed concave termination square corner resistor array
CNB2B9ZTTE103J , bussed concave termination square corner resistor array
CNC1H001 ,Opto-Electronic DeviceFeatures• Housed in a surface mount package alternative to mini-flat package10.3±0.3of 1.27 mm pitc ..
CS8101YDR8 ,Micropower 5V/ 100mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator with RESET and ENABLEfeatures aredesirable in most applications, there are some situations necessary. Regulators which h ..
CS8101YDR8 ,Micropower 5V/ 100mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator with RESET and ENABLEON Semiconductor2000 South County TrailAPPLICATION NOTEEast Greenwich, RI 02818Most monolithic line ..
CS8101YTHA5 ,Micropower 5V, 100mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator with RESETbar and ENABLEbar2SR005AN/Denergy content of the forward biased voltage transients. If Reverse Battery and the suppl ..
CS8101YTVA5 ,Micropower 5V, 100mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator with RESETbar and ENABLEbarfeatures and their implications, a designer can make the appropriate choices about how and which to ..
CS8120 ,5V, 300mA Linear Regulator with RESETbar and ENABLEbarELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 14 V, I = 5.0 mA; −40 ≤ T ≤ 150°C, −40°C ≤ T ≤ 125°C, IN OUT J Cu ..
CS8121 , 5V, 1A Linear Regulator with and ENABLE RESET