CLP30-200B1RL ,Overvoltage and overcurrent protection for telecom lineBlock diagramTIPL TIPSOvercurrentdetectorOvervoltageOvervoltageOR referencedetector(> 200 V)SW1GNDS ..
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Overvoltage and overcurrent protection for telecom line
August 2006 Rev 1 1/15
CLP30-200B1ASD (Application Specific Devices)
Overvoltage and overcurrent protection for telecom line
Features Dual bidirectional protection device High peak pulse current:
–IPP = 40 A (5/310 µs surge)
–IPP = 30 A (10/1000 µs surge) Max. voltage at switching-on: 290 V Min. current at switching-off: 150 mA
DescriptionThe CLP30-200B1 is designed to protect
telecommunication equipment. It provides both a
transient overvoltage protection and an
overcurrent protection.
The external components (balanced resistors,
ring relays contact, ...) needed by the CLP30-
200B1 protection concept require very low power
rating. This results in a very cost effective
protection solution.
Main applicationsAny telecom equipment submitted to transient
overvoltages and lightning strikes such as : Analog and ISDN line cards PABX
Benefits Voltage and current controlled suppression Surface Mounting with SO-8 package Very low power rating of external components
on line card: balanced resistors, ring relay, low
voltage SLIC protection TRISILs™ are not subject to ageing and
provide a fail safe mode in short circuit for a
better level of protection. Trisils are used to
ensure equipment meets various standards
such as UL60950, IEC950 / CSA C22.2,
UL1459 and FCC part 68. Trisils have UL94 V0
approved resin (Trisils are UL497B approved
[file: E136224]).
TM: TRISIL is a trademark of STMicroelectronics
Order code
Figure 1. CLP30-200B1 schematic diagram
Figure 2. Block diagram
CLP30-200B1 Characteristics 3/15
1 Characteristics
Table 1. Standards compliance
Table 2. Thermal resistance
Characteristics CLP30-200B14/15
Figure 3. Test circuit for ISWOFF parameter: GO-NO GO test
Table 3. Absolute maximum ratings (RSENSE = 3 Ω, Tamb = 25° C)
Table 4. Electrical characteristics (RSENSE = 3 Ω, Tamb = 25° C)
CLP30-200B1 Characteristics 5/15
Figure 4. Typical variation of switching-on
current (positive or negative)
versus RSENSE resistor and
junction temperature (see test
condition figure 6)
Figure 5. Variation of switching-on current
versus RSENSE at 25° C
Figure 6. ISWON MEASUREMENT:–ISWON = l1 when the CLP30-200B1 switches
on (l1 is progressively increased using R) Both TIP and RING sides of the CLP30-
200B1 are checked RL = 10 Ω
Figure 7. Relative variation of switching-off
current versus junction
temperature (for RSENSE between 3
and 10 Ω)
Characteristics CLP30-200B16/15
Figure 8. Relative variation of switching-off
current versus RSENSE (between 3
and 10 Ω)
Figure 9. Relative variation of switching-on
voltage versus dV/dt with an
external resistor of 3 Ω
Figure 10. Relative variation of internal
reference voltage versus junction
temperature (ILG =1 mA)
Figure 11. Capacitance (TIP/GND) versus
applied voltage (typical values)
Figure 12. Surge peak current versus overload
duration (maximum values)
CLP30-200B1 Technical information 7/15
2 Technical information
2.1 IntroductionThe aim of this section is to show the behavior of our new telecom line protection device.
Figure 13. Suscriber line protection topologyFigure 13. is a simplified block diagram of a subscriber line protection that is mainly used so
far. This shows two different things: A “primary protection” located on the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) eliminates coarsely
the high energy environmental disturbances (lightning transients and AC power mains
disturbances) for which the ITU-T-K20 requires a 4 kV 10/700 µs test. This can be
assumed either by gas-tubes or silicon protection such as the TLPxxM. A “secondary protection” located on the line card eliminates finely the remaining
transients that have not been totally suppressed by the first stage. The ITU-T-K20
requires a 1 kV 10/700 µs test. At this stage, the protection is managed by the CLP30-
The explanations which follow are basically covering the line card application.
2.2 STMicroelectronics CLP30-200B1 concept
2.2.1 Evolution of the SLIC protectionOver the years, the performances of the SLICs considerably increased and therefore the
need of the protection has also evolved.
The CLP30-200B1 is especially designed for the protection of this new generation of SLIC.
For this, it is based on both overvoltage and overcurrent protection modes.
Technical information CLP30-200B18/15
Figure 14. Line card protectionFigure 14. summarises the performance of the CLP30-200B1 which basically holds the
SLIC inside its correct voltage and current values.
2.2.2 Application circuit
Figure 15. CLP30-200B1 in line cardThe Figure 15. above shows the topology of a protected analog subscriber line at the line
card side. A first stage based on CLP30-200B1 manages the high power issued from the external
surges. When used in ringing mode, the CLP30-200B1 operates in voltage mode and
provides a symmetrical and bidirectional overvoltage protection above 200 V on both TIP
and RING lines. When used in speech mode, the CLP30-200B1 operates in current mode
and the activation current of the CLP30-200B1 is adjusted by RSENSE.