CLC5509CM ,Ultra-Low Noise PreamplifierApplicationsThe IC consists of an emitter input, common base amplifierstage followed by a low disto ..
CLC5523IM ,Low-Power/ Variable Gain AmplifierFeatures■The CLC5523 is a low power, wideband, DC-coupled, voltage- Low power: 135mW■controlled gai ..
CLC5523IMX ,Low-Power/ Variable Gain Amplifierapplications. This amplifier is suitable as a continuous gain Low input voltage noise 4nV/ÖHzcontro ..
CLC5523IN ,Low-Power/ Variable Gain AmplifierApplicationsfrom a wide bandwidth of 250MHz and high slew rate of■Automatic gain control1800V/ms, w ..
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Ultra-Low Noise Preamplifier
Ultra-Low Noise Preamplifier
General DescriptionThe CLC5509isa high performance, ultra-low noise pream-
plifier designedfor applications requiring unconditional sta-
bilityfor wide rangesof complex input loads. Both input im-
pedance and gain are externally adjustable, which makeit
simpleto interfaceto peizoelectric ultrasound transducers.
The CLC5509 preamplifier’s low 0.58nV total input
noise makesit idealfor noise sensitive front ends. The high
repeatabilityin group delay over voltage and temperature
translates into precision edge measurementsfor Dopplerap-
TheIC consistsofan emitter input, common base amplifier
stage followedbya low distortion, closed loop buffer. Exter-
nal negative feedback createsa well controlled input imped-
anceto allowa near noiseless active input transmission line
termination. The preampis stable against changesin source
impedanceof50to 200Ω over temperature and supply
variations, with gains from 14dBto 26dB. The CLC5509
preamp architectureis also well suited for use with
magneto-resistive tapeor disk drive heads.In these applica-
tions the head bias current can be reusedto bias the
preamp. The partis packagedinan 8-pin plastic SOIC, and
runsoff ±5V supplies. External biasingis requiredforthein-
put signal path.
The CLC5509is constructed usingan advanced comple-
mentary bipolar process and National Semiconductor’s
proven high performance architectures.
Features 0.58nV total input noise@ 12MHz< .5ns group delay repeatability High cutoff −3dB@ 33MHz Low cutoff −3dB@ 0.5MHz 2.0dB noise figure@ 50Ω −60dBc intermodfor 2VPP@ 5MHz Supply current: 11mA Availablein 8-pin SOIC
Applications Ultrasound preamp Tape drive preamp Disk drive preamp
Connection Diagram
Group Delay RepeatabilityDS101304-1
SOICJanuary 2000