CLC5506IM ,Gain Trim Amplifier (GTA)Featuresn 600MHz bandwidthThe CLC5506 is a low-noise amplifier with programmablegain for use in cel ..
CLC5509CM ,Ultra-Low Noise PreamplifierApplicationsThe IC consists of an emitter input, common base amplifierstage followed by a low disto ..
CLC5523IM ,Low-Power/ Variable Gain AmplifierFeatures■The CLC5523 is a low power, wideband, DC-coupled, voltage- Low power: 135mW■controlled gai ..
CLC5523IMX ,Low-Power/ Variable Gain Amplifierapplications. This amplifier is suitable as a continuous gain Low input voltage noise 4nV/ÖHzcontro ..
CLC5523IN ,Low-Power/ Variable Gain AmplifierApplicationsfrom a wide bandwidth of 250MHz and high slew rate of■Automatic gain control1800V/ms, w ..
CLC5526MSA ,Digital Variable Gain Amplifier (DVGA)Featuresn Wide dynamic rangeThe CLC5956 is a monolithic 12-bit, 65 MSPSanalog-to-digital converter ..
Gain Trim Amplifier (GTA)
Gain Trim Amplifier (GTA)
General DescriptionThe CLC5506isa low-noise amplifier with programmable
gainforusein cellular base stations, WLL, radarand RF/IF
subsystems where gain-controlis requiredto increasethe
dynamic range. The CLC5506 allows designersto compen-
satefor manufacturing component tolerancesand tempera-
ture variationsin receiver front ends. Maximum amplifier
gainissetat 26dB.A three-line MICROWIRE serial inter-
face allows 16dBof attenuation fromthe max gain settingin
precise 0.25dB steps.
The CLC5506 usesa differential input and output, allowing
large output swingson asingle5V rail.The differential outputwell suitedfor impedance matching networks drivingSAW
filtersor directly driving differential input analogto digital
converters (ADC).The differential output also makesit pos-
sibleto drive transformers allowing designersthe abilityto
matcha wide varietyof transmission lines.The output ampli-
fierhas excellent output drive withlow distortion.
Digital controlofthe CLC5506is accomplished usingMI-
CROWIRE Interface. DataOutanda Load Enableare incor-
poratedsothat more than one CLC5506/channel maybe
programmedper system.
The CLC5506 maintainsa 600MHz performance bandwidth
overits entire gain and attenuation range from +10dBto
+26dB. Gain controlis dividedinto64 equalstepsof 0.25dB
andis dB-linear. Output driveand distortion performanceare
excellent;Ina 50Ω system,the third-order output intercept
pointis +22dBmat nominal gainof 18dBat 25˚C. The
CLC5506 operates overthe industrial temperature rangeof
−40˚Cto +85˚C.
Features 600MHz bandwidth 26dB maximum gain@ 150MHz 16dB gain control range Attenuation step size: 0.25dB 4.8dB noise figure@ 26dB +22dBm outputIP3 @ 18dB gain Digital″dB Linear″ gain control Supply voltage: 5V Supply current: 75mA Supply shutdown: 35μA Package: SOIC-14 Typicalat 25˚C
Applications Cellular base-stations Base station repeater Wireless Local Loop Radar ReceiversIF amplifiers DigitalIF receiver Software radio Satellite communications
Frequency Responsevs. Gain SettingDS101050-1
September 1999
(GT©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101050