CLC427AJP ,Dual Voltage Feedback For Single Supply Operationapplications■Single supply cable driversuch as video distribution or desktop multimedia, the CLC427 ..
CLC428AJE ,Dual Wideband/ Low-Noise/ Voltage Feedback Op AmpCLC428Dual Wideband, Low-Noise, Voltage Feedback Op AmpJune 1999NCLC428Dual Wideband, Low-Noise, Vo ..
CLC428AJE-TR13 ,Dual Wideband, Low Noise, Voltage Feedback Op AmpFeaturesThe CLC428 is a very high-speed dual op amp that offers a traditional■ Wide unity-gain band ..
CLC428AJP ,Dual Wideband/ Low-Noise/ Voltage Feedback Op AmpFeaturesThe CLC428 is a very high-speed dual op amp that offers a traditional■ Wide unity-gain band ..
CLC430AJE ,General Purpose 100 MHz Op Amp with Disableapplications. The CLC430 utilizes National’s patented■ 100MHz bandwidth (A =+1)vcurrent feedback ci ..
CLC430AJP ,General Purpose 100 MHz Op Amp with DisableApplications■ Video distributionThe large voltage swing (28V ), continuous output current (85mA)pp■ ..
Dual Voltage Feedback For Single Supply Operation
Features Single +5V supply Input includes VEE 94MHz unity-gain bandwidth -74/-94dBc HD2/HD3 60mA output current 7.5ns rise/fall time (1Vpp) 46ns settling time to 0.1%
Applications Video ADC driver Desktop multimedia Single supply cable driver Instrumentation Video cards Wireless IF amplifiers Telecommunications
General DescriptionThe Comlinear CLC427 is a dual wideband voltage-feedback
operational amplifier that is uniquely designed to provide high
performance from a single power supply. This CLC427 provides
near rail-to-rail operation and the common-mode input range
includes the negative rail. Each of the CLC427’s amplifiers offers
plenty of headroom for single-supply applications as evidenced
by its 4.3Vpp output voltage from a single 5V supply.
Fabricated with a high-speed complementary bipolar process,
the CLC427 delivers a wide 94MHz unity-gain bandwidth, 7.5ns
rise/fall time and 150V/m s slew rate. For single supply applications
such as video distribution or desktop multimedia, the CLC427
offers low 0.35%, 0.55° differential gain and phase errors.
Each of the CLC427’s amplifiers provides high signal fidelity
with -74/-94dBc 2nd/3rd harmonics (1Vpp , 1MHz, RL =150W).
Combining this high fidelity performance with CLC427’s quick
46ns settling time to 0.1% makes it an excellent choice for ADC
With its traditional voltage-feedback architecture and high-speed
performance, the CLC427 is the perfect choice for composite
signal conditioning circuit functions such as active filters,
integrators, differentiators, simple gain blocks and buffering.
0.1mF 6.8mF
CLC427 Vo
Typical Application
Single +5V Supply operation
Comlinear CLC427
Dual Voltage Feedback Amplifier
for Single Supply Operation
Frequency Response vs. VoutMagnitude (1dB/div)
Frequency (MHz) 10 100
Av = +2V/V
Single Supply ResponseOutput Voltage (V)
Time (100ns/div)
August 1996
Comlinear CLC427
Dual V
oltage Feedback
Amplifier for Single Supply Operation