CLC420BJP ,High-Speed, Voltage Feedback Op AmpApplicationsn Active filters/integratorsThe CLC420 is an operational amplifier designed for applica ..
CLC420BJP ,High-Speed, Voltage Feedback Op AmpApplications such as differential amplifiers will benefit from70dB common mode rejection ratio and ..
CLC425AJE ,Ultra Low Noise Wideband Op AmpFeaturesThe CLC425 combines a wide bandwidth (1.9GHz GBW) with very■ 1.9GHz gain-bandwidth productl ..
CLC425AJM5 ,Ultra Low Noise Wideband Op AmpCLC425Ultra Low Noise Wideband Op AmpJune 1999NCLC425Ultra Low Noise Wideband Op Amp
CLC425AJM5X ,Ultra Low Noise Wideband Op Ampapplications in■ Low-noise loop filters for PLLsareas such as medical diagnostic ultrasound, magnet ..
CLC425AJM5X ,Ultra Low Noise Wideband Op AmpFeaturesThe CLC425 combines a wide bandwidth (1.9GHz GBW) with very■ 1.9GHz gain-bandwidth productl ..
High-Speed, Voltage Feedback Op Amp
High-Speed, Voltage Feedback Op Amp
General DescriptionThe CLC420isan operational amplifier designedfor applica-
tions requiring matched inputs, integrationor transimped-
ance amplification. Utilizing voltage feedback architecture,
the CLC420 offersa 300MHz bandwidth,a 1100V/μs slew
rate anda 4mA supply current (power consumptionof
40mW,±5V supplies).
Applications suchas differential amplifierswill benefit from
70dB common mode rejection ratioandan input offsetcur-
rentof 0.2μA. Withits unity-gain stability, 2pA/ current
noiseand3μAof input bias current,the CLC420is designed meetthe needsof filter applications andlog amplifiers.
Thelow input offset current and current noise, combined
with asettlingtimeof 18nsto 0.01%makethe CLC420 ideal
forD/A converters,pin diode receiversand photo multipliers
amplifiers.All applicationswillfind 70dB powersupply rejec-
tion ratio attractive.
Features 300MHz small signal bandwidth 1100V/μs slew rate Unity-gain stability Low distortion, -60dBcat 20MHz 0.01% settlingin 18ns 0.2μA input offset current 2pA current noise
Applications Active filters/integrators Differential amplifiersPin diode receivers Log amplifiers D/A converters Photo multiplier amplifiers
Connection Diagram
Non-Inverting Frequency ResponseDS012752-19
DIP& SOICDS012752-20
2nd and3rd Harmonic DistortionSeptember 1999
Amp©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012752