CLC411AJE ,High-Speed Video Op Amp with DisableFeaturesThe CLC411 combines a state-of-the-art complementary bipolar■ 200MHz small signal bandwidth ..
CLC411AJE. ,High-Speed Video Op Amp with DisableApplicationsbroadcast video systems including composite video and high definition■ HDTV amplifierte ..
CLC411AJP ,High-Speed Video Op Amp with Disablefeatures a very fast disable/enable (10ns/55ns) allowingthe multiplexing of high-speed signals onto ..
CLC412AJE ,Dual Wideband Video Op AmpFeaturesThe CLC412 combines a high-speed complementary bipolar process■ Wide bandwidth: 330MHz (A = ..
CLC412AJP ,Dual Wideband Video Op AmpApplicationsamplifier can deliver a 70mA continuous output current. This level of■ HDTV, NTSC & PAL ..
CLC414AJE ,Quad/ Low-Power Monolithic Op AmpFeatures■90MHz small signal bandwidth ■2mA quiescent current per amplifier■70dB channel isolation ..
High-Speed Video Op Amp with Disable
High-Speed Video Op Amp with Disable
General DescriptionThe CLC411 combines a state-of-the-art complementary bipolar
process with National’s patented current-feedback architecture to
provide a very high-speed op amp operating from ±15V supplies.
Drawing only 11mA quiescent current, the CLC411 provides a
200MHz small signal bandwidth and a 2300V/μs slew rate while
delivering a continuous 70mA current output with ±4.5V output swing.
The CLC411’s high-speed performance includes a 15ns settling time
to 0.1% (2V step) and a 2.3ns rise and fall time (6V step).
The CLC411 is designed to meet the requirements of professional
broadcast video systems including composite video and high definition
television. The CLC411 exceeds the HDTV standard for gain flatness
to 30MHz with it's ±0.05dB flat frequency response and exceeds
composite video standards with its very low differential gain and
phase errors of 0.02%, 0.03°. The CLC411 is the op amp of choice
for all video systems requiring upward compatibility from NTSC and
The CLC411 features a very fast disable/enable (10ns/55ns) allowing
the multiplexing of high-speed signals onto an analog bus through the
common output connections of multiple CLC411’s. Using the same
signal source to drive disable/enable pins is easy since “break-
before-make” is guaranteed.
The CLC411 is available in several versions:
CLC411AJP -40°C to +85°C 8-pin plastic DIP
CLC411AJE -40°C to +85°C 8-pin plastic SOIC
CLC411A8B -55°C to +125°C 8-pin hermetic CERDIP,
CLC411AMC -55°C to +125°C dice, MIL-STD-883, Level B
DESC SMD number: 5962-94566
June 1999
Video Op Amp with Disab
Features 200MHz small signal bandwidth (1Vpp)
■ ±0.05dB gain flatness to 30MHz
■ 0.02%, 0.03° differential gain, phase
■ 2300V/μs slew rate
■ 10ns disable to high-impedance output
■ 70mA continuous output current
■ ±4.5V output swing into 100Ω load
■ ±4.0V input voltage range
Applications HDTV amplifier
■ Video line driver
■ High-speed analog bus driver
■ Video signal multiplexer
■ DAC output buffer
PinoutDIP & SOIC
Inverting Gain
Configuration0 Frequency (5MHz/div) 50
Magnitude (0.5dB/div)
Gain Flatness (Av=+2)DIS