CLC405AJP ,Low Cost, Low Power, 110 MHz Op Amp with DisableApplicationsUtilizing National’s proven architectures, this current feedback ■Desktop video systems ..
CLC406AJE ,Wideband/ Low Power Monolithic Op AmpCLC406Wideband, Low Power Monolithic Op AmpJune 1999NCLC406Wideband, Low Power Monolithic Op Amp
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Low Cost, Low Power, 110 MHz Op Amp with Disable
Frequency Response (Av = +2V/V)
Features Low-cost Very low input bias current: 100nA High input impedance: 6MΩ 110MHz -3dB bandwidth (Av = +2) Low power:Icc = 3.5mA Ultra-fast enable/disable times High output current: 60mA
Applications Desktop video systems Multiplexers Video distribution Flash A/D driver High-speed switch/driver High-source impedance applications Peak detector circuits Professional video processing High resolution monitors
Typical Application
Wideband Digitally Controlled
Programmable Gain Amplifier
General DescriptionThe CLC405 is a low-cost, wideband (110MHz) op amp featur-
ing a TTL-compatible disable which quickly switches off in 18ns
and back on in 40ns. While disabled, the CLC405 has a very high
input/output impedance and its total power consumption drops to
a mere 8mW.When enabled, the CLC405 consumes only 35mW
and can source or sink an output current of 60mA. These
features make the CLC405 a versatile, high-speed solution for
demanding applications that are sensitive to both power and cost.
Utilizing National’s proven architectures, this current feedback
amplifier surpasses the performance of alternative solutions and
sets new standards for low power at a low price. This power-
conserving op amp achieves low distortion with -72dBc and
-70dBc for second and third harmonics respectively. Many high
source impedance applications will benefit from the CLC405’s
6MΩ input impedance. And finally, designers will have a bipolar
part with an exceptionally low 100nA non-inverting bias current.
With 0.1dB flatness to 50MHz and low differential gain and phase
errors, the CLC405 is an ideal part for professional video
processing and distribution. However, the 110MHz -3dB band-
width (Av = +2) coupled with a 350V/μs slew rate also make the
CLC405 a perfect choice in cost-sensitive applications such as
video monitors, fax machines, copiers, and CATV systems.
Low-Cost, Low-Power, 110MHz Op Amp with DisableJune 1999
110MHz Op Amp with Disab