CLC231AI ,Fast Settling/ Wideband Buff-Amp (Av = 1 to 5)applications(50mW @ ±5V)The CLC231 is constructed using thin film resistor/bipolar tran-sistor tech ..
CLC231AI ,Fast Settling/ Wideband Buff-Amp (Av = 1 to 5)features burn-inand hermetic testingCLC231AM -55°C to +125°C 12-pin TO-8 can, screened to Comlinear ..
CLC3800ISO8X , Triple, Standard Definition Video Amplifiers
CLC400AIB ,Fast Settling/ Wideband Low-Gain Monolithic Op AmpApplications■Flash, precision A/D conversion■Video distribution■Line drivers■ D/A current-to-voltag ..
CLC400AJE ,Fast Settling/ Wideband Low-Gain Monolithic Op AmpFeatures■-3dB bandwidth of 200MHz ■0.05% settling in 12ns■Low power, 150mW■Low distortion, -60dBc ..
CLC400AJE-TR13 ,Fast Settling, Wideband Low-Gain Monolithic Op AmpApplications■Flash, precision A/D conversion■Video distribution■Line drivers■ D/A current-to-voltag ..
Fast Settling/ Wideband Buff-Amp (Av = 1 to 5)
Features 165MHz closed-loop – -3dB bandwidth 15ns settling to 0.05% 1mV input offset voltage, 10μV/°C drift 100mA output current Excellent AC and DC linearity
Applications Driving flash A/D converters Precision line driving
(a gain of 2 cancels matched-line losses) DAC current-to-voltage conversion Low-power, high-speed applications
(50mW @ ±5V)
General Description
Comlinear CLC231
Fast Settling, Wideband Buff-Amp™ (Av = ±1 to ±5)August 1996
Comlinear CLC231
Fast Settling, W
ideband Buff-Amp™
= ±
1 to ±
Typical Performance
Package Dimensions
Bottom ViewThe CLC231 is constructed using thin film resistor/bipolar tran-
sistor technology, and is available in the following versions:
CLC231AI -25°C to +85°C 12-pin TO-8 can
CLC231A8C -55°C to +125°C 12-pin TO-8 can,
MIL-STD-883, Level B
CLC231AK -55°C to +125°C 12-pin TO-8 can, features burn-in
and hermetic testing
CLC231AM -55°C to +125°C 12-pin TO-8 can, screened to
Comlinear’s M standard for high
DESC SMD number: 5962-89594
Not Intended For New Designs