CLC012AJE ,Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data Recoveryapplicationsmedical, set top terminals, industrial video networkssuchasrouters.Theequalizeroperates ..
CLC012AJE ,Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data Recoveryfeatures include a Loss of Signal output and ann Equalizes up to 300+ meters of Belden 8281 or 120o ..
CLC012AJE ,Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data RecoveryFeatures(or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics).n Automatic equalization of coa ..
CLC012AJE ,Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data RecoveryApplicationsfor 270 Mbps data that has passed through 200 meters ofn ITU-T G.703 serial data recove ..
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Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data Recovery
Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data Recovery
General DescriptionNational’s CLC012 adaptive cable equalizerisa low-cost
monolithic solutionfor equalizing data transmitted over cable
(or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics).
The CLC012 simplifiesthe taskof high-speed data recovery
witha one-chip solution anda minimal numberof external
components. The equalizer automatically adaptsto equalize
any cable length from zero metersto lengths that attenuate
the signalby40dBat 200 MHz. This correspondsto 300
metersof Belden 8281or 120 metersof Category5 UTP
(unshielded twisted pair).
The CLC012 provides superior jitter performance: 180pspp
for 270 Mbps data that has passed through 200 metersof
Belden 8281 cable. This exceptional performance provides
wide error marginin digital data links. The equalizer operatesa single supply witha power consumptionof only 290
mW. The small 14-pin SOIC package allowsfor high-density
placementof components for multi-channel applications
suchas routers. The equalizer operates overa wide rangeof
data rates from less than50 Mbpsto ratesin excessof 650
The equalizeris flexiblein allowing either single-endedor
differential input drive.Its high common mode rejection pro-
vides excellent immunityto interference from noise sources.
On-chip quantized feedback eliminates baseline wander.
Additional features includea Lossof Signal output andan
output mutepin which, when tied together, mutethe output
whenno signalis present.A buffered eye monitor outputis
provided,for viewing the equalized signal priorto the com-
parator. Differential AEC pins allowthe usertosetthe inter-
nal adaptive loop time constant with one external capacitor.
Features Automatic equalizationof coaxial and twisted pair cables Lossof Signal detect and output mute Output eye monitor Single supply operation: +5Vor −5.2V Single-endedor differential input Low cost
Applications ITU-T G.703 serial data recovery Serial digital data routing and distribution Serial digital data equalization and reception Data recovery equalization: ATM, CAD networks,
medical,set top terminals, industrial video networks
Key Specifications Low jitter: 180pspp@ 270 Mbps through 200 metersof
Belden 8281 coaxial cable High data rates:<50 Mbpsto> 650 Mbps Excellent input return loss:19dB@ 270 MHz Low supply current:68 mA Equalizesupto 300+ metersof Belden 8281or 120
metersof Cat5 UTP cable
Typical ApplicationNovember 2003